Fields on Carton Details

Purpose: The following information displays on the Carton Details window.

         Ship Date (Carton Ship Date)


         Tracking Number: This field displays only if a tracking number is defined for the shipment.

Items in This Carton Table

The Items in This Carton table displays the items in the carton. For each item, the system displays the item ID, item description, and quantity.

Items first display in ascending item ID sequence.

         Item ID: This is the item or SKU reported as packed in the carton. The CWPickIn XML Message identifies a packed item or SKU as part of a shipment confirmation for a pick slip by specifying the pick control detail line. Note: The system does not validate that all items that are confirmed as shipped are also reported as packed in a carton.

         Item Description: This is the description of the item and SKU. If the item has SKU’s, the item and SKU descriptions are separated by a space.

         Quantity (Carton Quantity)

For more information:

         Carton Details for an overview of the Carton Details window.

         Carton Details Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Carton Details window.

