Fields on Invoice Detail

Purpose: The following information displays on the Invoice Detail page.

         Invoice Page Title

         Invoice Billing Address Panel

         Invoice Totals Panel

         Ship-To Details Panel

         Ship-To Address Panel

         # Order Lines In This Invoice Panel

         Invoice Payment Information Panel

For more information:

         Invoice Detail for an overview of the Invoice Detail page.

         Invoice Detail Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Invoice Detail page.

Invoice Page Title

         Order (Order Number): This is the order number whose invoices you are reviewing.

         Invoice: This is the invoice number whose details you are reviewing.

Invoice Billing Address Panel

The Invoice Billing Address panel displays the name and address of the customer charged for the invoice.

         If the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is selected, the invoice billing address is the name and address from the Invoice Address table where the Type is set to B.

         If the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is unselected, the invoice billing address is the name and address from the Customer Bill To table, if there is a bill-to account associated with the order; otherwise, the name and address of the Customer Sold To who placed the order.

The Invoice Billing Address panel displays the following fields:

         Bill-To Customer Name (unlabeled field below the Invoice Billing Address title): The customer name displays in prefix, first name, middle initial, and last name format.

         If a Company Name is also defined, the company name displays below the sold-to customer name.

         If a Company Name is defined without a sold-to customer name, the company name displays in place of the sold-to customer name.

         Bill-To Customer Address (unlabeled field below the Customer Name and Company Name)

         Bill-To Phone Number (unlabeled field below the Customer Address): If more than one phone number is defined for the customer, the system uses the following hierarchy to determine which phone number to display:

         Day time phone number

         Mobile phone number

         Evening phone number

The phone number displays in the telephone number format defined for the country on the customer’s address.

Note:             The Phone Number field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

         Bill-To Email Address (unlabeled field below the Phone Number): This is the bill-to customer’s primary email address.

         Bill-To Opt-In Status (unlabeled field below the Email Address): This is the opt-in status defined for the bill-to customer’s primary email address.

Invoice Totals Panel

The Invoice Totals panel displays the payment totals for the invoice and also indicates whether the invoice is currently pending Credit Card Net Exchange Billing.


         Shipping: This amount may not be equal to the total of all the line-level freight charges.

         Additional Shipping

         Additional Charges

         Personalization (Special Handling) Charge

         Tax: The total tax for the invoice. This total includes GST and PST, if any. This field does not include hidden tax.

         GST: Total for this invoice.

         PST: Total for this invoice.

         Total (Invoice Total)

         Net Exchange Billing: Net Exchange Billing displays if the invoice is currently pending credit card net exchange billing.

         Netted Against: Displays the other invoices associated with the order that are also pending credit card net exchange billing.

Ship-To Details Panel

The Ship-To Details panel displays the details for a ship-to on the invoice, including the ship-to order’s name and address, and the items assigned to the ship-to order.

Select the arrow next to a Ship-To Details panel to view or hide the order ship-to information.

         If there is more than one ship-to on the order, all Ship-To Details panels are collapsed by default.

         If there in only one ship-to on the order, the Ship-To Details panel is expanded by default.

Ship-To Details Panel Title

The title of this panel varies, depending on the setting of the Broker Delivery Type:

         If the Broker Delivery Type is blank, the title of this panel is Ship-To # Details, where # is the Ship-To Number.

         If the Broker Delivery Type is S (Ship for Pickup), the title of this panel is Ship for Pickup Details. Note: This includes pickup orders from Order Broker (retail pickup).

         If the Broker Delivery Type is P (Store Pickup), the title of this panel is Store Pickup Details.

Ship-To Address Panel

Where Does the Shipping Address Come From?

         If the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is selected, the invoice ship-to address is the name and address from the Invoice Address table where the Type is set to S.

         If the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is unselected, depending on how you create the order, the shipping address can be:

For a customer ship-to address: 

         An order-level shipping address that is stored in the Order Ship To Address table.

         A permanent shipping address for the sold-to customer on the order, stored in the Customer Ship To table.

         A recipient customer, stored in the Customer Sold To table.

         The name and address of the Customer Sold To who placed the order, stored in the Customer Sold To table.

For a store ship-to address: 

         The name and address of the store where the customer will pick up the order, stored in the Store Cross Reference table.

The Ship-To Address panel displays the following fields:

         Customer Name or Store Name (unlabeled field below the Ship-To Address title): The customer name displays in prefix, first name, middle initial, and last name format.

         If a Company Name is also defined, the company name displays below the ship-to customer name.

         If a Company Name is defined without a ship-to customer name, the company name displays in place of the ship-to customer name.

         Customer Address or Store Address (unlabeled fields below the Customer Name or Store Name)

         Phone Number (unlabeled field below the Customer Address): If more than one phone number is defined for the ship-to customer, the system uses the following hierarchy to determine which phone number to display:

         Day time phone number

         Mobile phone number

         Evening phone number

The phone number displays in the telephone number format defined for the country on the customer’s address.

Note:             The Phone Number field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

# Order Lines In This Invoice Panel

The system displays item information for each invoice line on the invoice. Items display for the invoice in ascending invoice line number sequence.

The following fields display for each invoice line.

         Number of Order Lines (unlabeled field in the Order Lines In This Invoice title): This is the total number of invoice lines for the ship-to that are included on the invoice.

         Invoice Line Number (unlabeled field below the # Order Lines In This Invoice title)

         Item Description (unlabeled field to the right of the Order Line Number)

         Item ID (unlabeled field to the right of the Item Description)

         Item Image

         SKU Description (unlabeled field below the Item Description and to the right of the Item Image)

         Personalization (Special Handling): This field displays only if personalization has been defined for the item (the Add Addl Chg Code for the order line in the Order Detail table contains a value).

         Personalization (Special Handling) Charge: This field displays only if personalization has been defined for the item (the Add Addl Chg Code for the order line in the Order Detail table contains a value).

         Gift Wrap Charge: This field displays only if gift wrap has been defined for the item (the Gift Wrap for the order line in the Order Detail table is Y). In addition, the Gift Wrap Charge field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

         Unit Price

         Extended Price

         Shipped (Shipped Quantity): This field displays only on a debit invoice.

         Ship Date

         Track Shipments (#), where # is the number of tracking numbers associated with the shipment (Tracking Number): Expand the Track Shipments drop-down field to display the tracking number(s) for the shipment that contained the item on the order line.

         For set items, the tracking number displays for the set component item and not the set master item.

         This field displays only if a tracking number is defined for the shipment. The tracking number is a live link if the ship via type is UPS, Federal Express, or Parcel Post (not Parcel Post Class 1, 2, 3, or 4). If the link is live, you can click it to advance to the shipper’s web site and review shipment history, provided you have access to the World Wide Web.

         View Cartons (#) where # is the number of cartons associated with the shipment (Carton Number): Expand the View Cartons drop-down field to display the carton(s) for the shipment that contained the item on the order line.

         This field displays only if a carton is defined for a shipment.

         The Carton is a link only if you have received carton content information through the Generic Pick In API, or if you used Work with Pick/Pack Verification (WPPV), to confirm a shipment. If carton information is not defined, the carton number is display-only.

         For set items, the tracking number displays for the set component item and not the set master item.

         If tracking numbers are not defined, the system displays only the first carton defined for the shipment.

         Returned (Returned Quantity): This field displays only on a credit invoice.

         Return Date: This field displays only on a credit invoice.

         Credited: This field displays only on a credit invoice.

         Credited Date: This field displays only on a credit invoice.

Invoice Payment Information Panel

Use the Invoice Payment Information panel to review the distribution of payment methods on an order invoice and to select a specific payment method for detailed review.

Payment methods display in ascending charge sequence number, ascending payment type description sequence. The catch all payment method displays last.

         Payment Method

         Invoice Date

         Deposit to Date

         Deposit Remaining

         Invoice Total

         Release Date (Deposit Release Date)

