Fields on Add Message

Purpose: The following information displays on the Add Message window.

         Message Template (Order Message Template)

         For order messages, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Nowhere.

         For gift messages, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Gift Message.

         For pick slip messages, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Picks.

         For quote form messages, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Quotes.

         For refund check messages, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Ref Chk Cust (Refund Check Customer).

         For order line messages, the system displays all order line message templates regardless of the Print Code setting.

         New Message (Order Message)

For more information:

         Add Message for an overview of the Add Message window.

         Add Message Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Add Message window.

