Batch Job Statistics

Overview: Use the Batch Job Statistics page to review the current status and totals for various batch jobs submitted in Order Management System

How to display: Select Batch Job Statistics from a menu.

Required authority: To advance to this page, you need full (not Display) authority to the DBJS menu option. See Setting Up Menu Options (WOPT) in the Classic View online help for background.

Statistics available for review: You can review totals by status for the following activities:

         Authorizations: Credit Card Authorization records for the current company.

         Billing Data Queue: Billing Header Data Queue records across all companies.

         Deposits: Credit Card Deposit Transaction records for the current company.

         Item Upload: Retail Item Upload records for the current company.

         Picks Generated: Pick Control Header records, broken out by billing batch number, for the current company.

Refreshing information: Select Generate Results each time you would like to refresh the currently displayed totals.

For more information:

         Batch Job Statistics Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Batch Job Statistics page.

         Fields on Batch Job Statistics for a description of the fields on the Batch Job Statistics page.

