Check Gift Card Balance Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Check Gift Card Balance window.

         Send Balance Inquiry Request

For more information:

         Check Gift Card Balance for an overview of the Check Gift Card Balance window.

         Fields on Check Gift Card Balance for a description of the fields on the Check Gift Card Balance window.

Send Balance Inquiry Request

1.      Select a gift card payment method from the Payment Method drop down field.

2.      Enter a valid gift card number in the Card Number field.

3.      If the gift card is assigned an ID number, enter the ID in the Card ID Number field.

4.      Select the Check Gift Card Balance option. The system validates your entries. An error message displays if:

         The card number is blank.

         The card number does not match the length defined in the Credit Card Length field for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

         The card number does not pass the modulus check validation defined in the Modulus Check field for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

         The leading digits of the card number do not match the leading digits defined in the Leading Digits field for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

5.      The system looks at the Authorization Service field defined for the gift card pay type to determine the service bureau that performs balance inquiries for the gift card pay type. An error message displays if an authorization service is not defined for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

6.      The system sends a balance inquiry request to the service bureau.

7.      If the response returns an error, the system displays an error message at the top of the window.

         If the vendor response returned matches a vendor response in the CC Vendor Response table, the system displays the message defined for the vendor response.

         If the vendor response returned does not match a vendor response in the CC Vendor Response table, the system displays a message indicating the vendor response is not recognized and provides the error returned in the balance inquiry response.

         If a response is not received from the service bureau, the system displays a message indicating the balance inquiry could not be performed.

8.      If the response includes the card balance amount, the system displays the Card Balance at the bottom of the window.

