Fields on Item Availability

Purpose: The following information displays on the Item Availability window.

         Item Description (unlabeled field below the window title)

         Item ID (unlabeled field to the right of the Item Description field)

         SKU Description (unlabeled field below the Item ID and Item Description)

         Total Available: The quantity of the item available across all item warehouses.

Item Availability Table

The Item Availability table displays item availability in each warehouse assigned to the item that is viewable in order entry (the Viewable in O/E field for the warehouse is selected).

Item availability records initially display in ascending available quantity sequence.

For each item warehouse, the table displays the following fields:


         Available (Warehouse Available)

         Backordered (Warehouse Backordered)

         Open Purchase Orders (Warehouse Open Purchase Orders)

For more information:

         Item Availability for an overview of the Item Availability window.

         Item Availability Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Item Availability window.

