Preferences Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Preferences window.

         Update Display (Font Size)

         Update Snackbar Notifications Settings

For more information:

         Preferences for an overview of the Preferences window.

         Fields on Preferences for a description of the fields on the Preferences window.

Update Display (Font Size)

1.      Use the scroll bar in the Display field to adjust the font size. The current font size displays in parenthesis.

         Slide the bar to the left to make the font size smaller.

         Slide the bar to the right to make the font size larger.

2.      Select the Update option. The system returns you to the previous page and displays a message indicating the preferences have been updated. The font size will remain at your user setting until you manually change it.

Update Snackbar Notifications Settings

1.      Define the Enable Auto-Dismiss setting.

         Select the Enable Auto-Dismiss field to have the system automatically clear a message notification box after the number of seconds defined in the Time Before Auto-Dismiss field.

         Unselect the Enable Auto-Dismiss field to retain a message notification box until you manually close the box, regardless of the setting of the Time Before Auto-Dismiss field.

2.      If the Enable Auto-Dismiss setting is enabled, enter the number of seconds the system displays a message notification box before it disappears in the Time Before Auto-Dismiss field.

3.      Select the Update option. The system returns you to the previous page and displays a message indicating the preferences have been updated. The snackbar notifications settings will remain at your user setting until you manually change it.

