Working with Admin Properties (CPRP)

Purpose: Use this menu option to define system-wide configuration settings for Order Management System that an administrator would update.

When you update a property setting, your update takes effect immediately.

In this topic:

         Work with Admin Properties Screen

         Change Property Screen

         Summary of Admin Properties

         Email Property Settings

         Forms Property Settings

         Integration Property Settings

         Logging Property Settings

         Monitor Property Settings

         System Property Settings

Work with Admin Properties Screen

Use this screen to define property settings that are available to an administrator user in the application.

How to display this screen: Enter CPRP in the Fast path field or select Work with Admin Properties from a menu.

When you first advance to this screen, property settings display on this screen in ascending property name sequence.

Column sort: You can sort on any column on this screen by clicking the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.





The type of property setting. Valid values are:

         Email: The property setting is related to email processing.

         Logging: The property setting is related to logging.

         Integration: The property setting is related to an integration with an external system.

         Monitor: The property setting is related to job monitoring.

         Printing: The property setting is related to printing.

         System: The property setting is related to a system-wide function.

Enter a full or partial group name to display property settings that contain your entry.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.


The name of the property.

Enter a full or partial property name to display property settings that contain your entry.

Alphanumeric, 75 positions; optional.


The current setting of the property. If this field is blank, it means a property setting has not been defined.

Enter a full or partial property value to display property settings that contain your entry.

Alphanumeric, 150 positions; optional.


The type of property setting. Valid values are:

         Admin = The property setting is a setting available to an administrator user in the application.

         Customer = The property setting is a setting available to a user in the application.

Enter a full or partial property type to display property settings that contain your entry.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Change the current value defined for a property

Select Change for a property to advance to the Change Property screen.

Switch between viewing admin property settings and customer property settings

Select Admin/Customer.

         If you are currently on the Work with Admin Properties screen, the system advances you to the Work with Properties Screen.

         If you are currently on the Work with Properties screen, the system advances you to the Work with Admin Properties Screen.

Change Property Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change a property setting.

How to display this screen: Select Change for a property on the Work with Admin Properties Screen.




The name of the property whose value you wish to update.

Alphanumeric, 75 positions; display-only.


The group assigned to the property.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


The type of property setting. Valid values are:

         Admin = The property setting is a setting available to the administrator user.

         Customer = The property setting is a setting available to customer.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


Defines whether you can update the property setting. Valid values are:

         C = You can change the value defined for the property.

         D = The value defined for the property is display-only.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The current setting of the property. If this field is blank, it means a property setting has not been defined.

Note:  The system does not validate your entry.

Alphanumeric, 150 positions; optional.

Summary of Admin Properties

The property settings that display on the Work with Admin Properties Screen are listed below.

         Email Property Settings

         Forms Property Settings

         Integration Property Settings

         Logging Property Settings

         Monitor Property Settings

         System Property Settings

Email Property Settings

See Email Generation Setup for more information on the required and optional setup for generating email notifications through Order Management System.

Property Name



The location of the folder containing the template files used to generate HTML-based emails. An example location is domain/conf/OMSFiles/EmailTemplates, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System.

Not used for shipment emails generated through the Narvar integration.


The output queue to use for emails. Output queues are displayed when you select the My Jobs option in Order Management System, where you can use them for filtering purposes.

The default output queue is EMAIL.

Not used for shipment emails generated through the Narvar integration.


Indicates whether to log error messages about email generation in the CWDirect Log.

true = Log error messages about email generation in the log.

false = Do not log error messages about email generation in the log.

Not used for shipment emails generated through the Narvar integration.


The default “from” email address to use for system-generated emails if there is no address specified at the entity or company level. See “From” Email Address for a discussion.

Not used for shipment emails generated through the Narvar integration.

The name or IP address of the mail server. The mail server must be accessible by the Order Management System application server.

Not used for shipment emails generated through the Narvar integration.


The current password for the user ID. Required if the mail server requires authentication.

Note:  The password is encrypted so it is not readable in this file.

Note:  Not used for shipment emails generated through the Narvar integration.


A valid user ID with authority to log into the mail server. Required if the mail server requires authentication.

Not used for shipment emails generated through the Narvar integration.


The list of email addresses to receive the Support Notification email when a job is placed in MSG status because an error has occurred, or System Alert email for other errors such as inconsistent system control value setup across companies. Separate each email address with a semi-colon (;), such as:;

Note:  You cannot enter an email distribution list in this field. However, you can use an email program, such as Microsoft Outlook®, to create rules to send emails to a distribution list.

See Order Management System Support Notifications for more information on error email processing.

Forms Property Settings

Property Name



Defines whether the system bypasses caching for reports generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

true = Bypass caching for reports generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

false = Cache reports generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.


The location in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher where Order Management System reports are stored.

For example: OMS/Reports/ 


The name of the host where Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is running.

The system uses this property to build the URL for communication with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

For example:



         host is the setting in the BI_REST_URL.

         port is the setting in the BI_REST_PORT.

         /xmlpserver/service/rest/reports is the setting in the BI_REST_SERVER_PATH.


The IP port number where Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is running.

The system uses this property to build the URL for communication with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

For example:



         host is the setting in the BI_REST_URL.

         port is the setting in the BI_REST_PORT.

         /xmlpserver/service/rest/reports is the setting in the BI_REST_SERVER_PATH.


The fixed prefix for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher REST report resource. The system uses this property to build the URL for communication with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

For example:



         host is the setting in the BI_REST_URL.

         port is the setting in the BI_REST_PORT.

         /xmlpserver/service/rest/v1/reports is the setting in the BI_REST_SERVER_PATH.


The user ID used to connect to Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.


The password for the user ID used to connect to Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher. For security, the system encrypts the password.

Integration Property Settings

See Integrations for more information on the set up required for integrations with Order Management System.

Property Name



Defines the number of records to process in an upload file at a time. The default setting is 2500, indicating the system inserts records from the upload file into the Order Management System database in batches of 2500. If a record in a batch contains an error, the system does not insert any of the records in the batch into the Order Management System database and places the upload file in an error status. For troubleshooting purposes, you can decrease the UPLOAD_BATCH_SIZE and reprocess the file upload to help you determine which record contains the error.

Example:  In this example, the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_BATCH_SIZE is 10. You process an upload file containing 30 records. In this situation, the system processes the upload file in 3 batches: the first batch contains records 1-10; the second batch contains records 11-20; and the third batch contains records 21-30. If a record in the second batch fails, the system does not process any of the records in the second batch, but does process all of the records in the first batch and third batch.

See Work with File Uploads (WUPL) for more information.


Setting for pick slip forms generated through the database: If you use a pick slip form that is generated directly through the database, set this value to 999999. The INPUT_TYPE setting for your pick slip form in the Forms Properties indicates the means by which your pick slip printing program obtains the data to print on the pick slip. Valid values are:

         XML (default) = The program uses the Pick Message from Order Management System (CWPickOut) to generate the pick slip.

         DB = The program queries the database to generate the pick slip. This option is available only if your pick slip printing program supports it.

Note:  If no INPUT_TYPE is specified, the program uses the CWPickOut message.


Defines whether the Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) integration is enabled.

false = The system uses internal password authentication.

true (default) = The system uses IDCS for password authentication.


         Once you change this property to true, the setting can no longer be changed. If you need to change this setting back to false, you must contact your support representative to disable IDCS.

         New cloud installations of Order Management System version 17.1 and later will have this setting delivered as true.

         When you enable the IDCS integration, the system no longer creates records in the Password Audit table to track when a user’s password is updated.

         Before you change this value to true, make sure your admin user and other users in Order Management System are set up in IDCS and match the exact format of the user name.   

         When this property is set to true, multi-factor authentication is disabled. See Multi-Factor Authentication in the Administration Guide for background.

         When defining a user ID in IDCS, the user ID is NOT case-sensitive.

         If this property is set to true, when users sign out of Order Management System or OMS Modern View, they return to the IDCS login page.

         When this property is set to true, working with User Control records is not available through the Advanced Commands option.

See Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) Password Authentication in the Administration Guide for more information.


The endpoint to use when requesting information from IDCS through the Manage External Application Access page in Modern View.


Not currently implemented.


The client ID that identifies Order Management System in requests to IDCS through the Manage External Application Access page in Modern View.

If no Client ID is specified in Work with Web Service Authentication for an outbound web service to Order Broker or Customer Engagement, and it is assigned an Authentication Type of OAUTH, then this client ID is used for authentication of the web service.


The client secret to use when requesting a token for OAuth authentication.

If no Client Secret is specified in Work with Web Service Authentication for an outbound web service to Order Broker or Customer Engagement, and it is assigned an Authentication Type of OAUTH, then this client secret is used for authentication of the web service.


Controls the maximum number of threads that the INVOIC_OUT job spawns to process invoice trigger records. Defaults to 10. Optionally, set it to a higher number to enhance performance.

If this property is not set to a whole number larger than 0, a setting of 1 applies.

See the Generic Invoice Download API for more information on the INVOIC_OUT process.


The number of records to request at a time for different types of data imported through the integration with Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS).

Background: The OCDSITM periodic function requests merchandise hierarchy information, item information, item image information, item location attribute information, and pricing information, if the related system control value for each type of data is configured.

Limiting the number of records in the response: For each of these types of data (with the exception of merchandise hierarchy information), the function requests the number of records specified in this property; for example, it requests up to 15,000 pricing information records when this property is set to 15,000.

Oracle recommends that you set this property no higher than 100,000. The default setting is 10,000.

If property not set: if this property is blank, the import requests the number of records defined in the INT_OCDS_CONFIG table for the import type. For example, if this property is blank and the quantity defined in the table for the item image import is 10,000, then the item image request specifies a quantity of 10,000.

INT_OCDS_CONFIG defaults: The default settings in this table are 10,000 for each type of imported information.

Note:  This setting does not control the number of records requested for the merchandise hierarchy import; instead, it always uses the setting from the INT_OCDS_CONFIG table.

For more information: See Importing Enterprise Foundation Data through Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS).


The OMS Key Management (OKM) password. For security, the system encrypts the password.

See Credit Card Encryption Initial Setup and Execution in the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.


The OMS Key Management (OKM) alias used to retrieve the encryption key. For security, the system encrypts the alias.

See Credit Card Encryption Initial Setup and Execution in the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.


The OMS Key Management (OKM) alias used to retrieve the encryption key during the encryption key switch process. For security, the system encrypts the alias.

See Credit Card Encryption Initial Setup and Execution in the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.


Indicates whether OMS Key Management (OKM) encryption is enabled.

         true = OMS Key Management (OKM) encryption is enabled.

         false = OMS Key Management (OKM) encryption is not enabled.

See Credit Card Encryption Initial Setup and Execution in the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.


The type of encryption key switch currently in process. The system automatically updates this property during the encryption key switch process. Once the encryption key switch process is complete, you must manually remove the value to indicate that an encryption key switch is not currently being performed.

Valid values are:

         Blank = Encryption key switch is not in process.

         OMS-OKM = Encryption key switch is in process, where the current encryption uses the Order Management System encryption key and the new encryption uses the OMS Key Management (OKM) encryption key. During this process, the system generates a new encryption key and alias.

         OKM-OMS = Not currently supported.

         OKM-OKM = Encryption key switch is in process, in which both the current encryption and the new encryption key use an OMS Key Management (OKM) encryption key and alias.

         OMS-OMS = Encryption key switch is in process in which both the current encryption and the new encryption use an Order Management System encryption key.

See Encryption Key Switch Process in the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.


See the Data Security and Encryption Guide for information.


See the Data Security and Encryption Guide for information.


The IP address and port number used to connect to the proxy server during payment processing.

See Proxy Server Properties.



The location of the ProOnDemandService.wsdl file. The recommended location is file:///domain/conf/cwdirectcpproperties/ProOnDemandService.wsdl, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System. The ProOnDemandService.wsdl is delivered with Order Management System and should not be changed.

Logging Property Settings

See Logs for more information on the logs that are available to help troubleshoot Order Management System processing.

Property Name



Defines the level of detail to include in the Alert Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the Alert Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the level of detail to include in the Application Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the Application Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


The number of days to store ChannelAdvisor archived or failed price and inventory export files before they are eligible for deletion. The CAINV and CAPRICEperiodic functions delete the inventory or price files if they are eligible based on the setting of this property. Defaults to 30. If this property is blank, files are eligible for deletion after 30 days.

Note:  Unlike the other properties with similar names, the CA_MAXBACKUP_DAYS property entry should not include the letter d.


The name of the log that stores Customer API transaction information.

The delivered setting is CUST.log.

If you Use Multiple Application Servers

If you use multiple application servers, rename the log so that it identifies the server where the log is located. For example, if you use two application servers named SERVER1 and SERVER2, rename the CUST log on each server to CUSTSERVER1.log and CUSTSERVER2.log.


The directory path on the application server where the logs are located.

An example directory is domain/conf/OMSFiles/Logs, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System.


The file extension added to backup copies of the log file.

The system creates a backup copy of the log file for each day, using the date format from the CW_LOG_DATE_PATTERN setting and file extension from the CW_LOG_BACKUP_PATTERN setting.

For example, for the APP.log file, the system names the backup copy

The delivered setting is .zip.

Note:  The file extension must be lower case.


Defines whether the system includes messages written to data queues in the log.

Valid values:

true = The system includes messages written to data queues in the log.

false = The system does not include messages written to data queues in the log.


The date format for backup copies of the log file.

The system creates a backup copy of the log file for each day, using the date format from the CW_LOG_DATE_PATTERN setting and file extension from the CW_LOG_BACKUP_PATTERN setting.

For example, for the APP.log file, the system names the backup copy

The delivered setting is .%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.


The format used when naming a log file. The delivered setting is %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} {UTC}

%-5p %-5c - %m%n*. 


Defines the level of detail to include in the IntegrationOrder (ChannelAdvisor) Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the IntegrationOrder (ChannelAdvisor) Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the level of detail to include in the Job Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the Job Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the level of detail to include in the Manifest Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the Manifest Log before it is eligible for deletion See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the level of detail to include in the MQ Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the MQ Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the level of detail to include in the Narvar Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the Narvar Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the number of days to retain records in the INT_OCDS_STATUS table. This table tracks activity of the OCDSITM Periodic Function and the OCDSFA periodic function (see Importing Future Available Information (OCDSFA Periodic Function) for background). You can review these records at the Enterprise Data Import History page in Modern View.

The OCDSITM Periodic Function purges records older than the number of days specified here.

Default = 30 days. If this property is blank, the periodic function does not purge records.


Defines the level of detail to include in the OCDS (Omnichannel Cloud Data Service) Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the OCDS (Omnichannel Cloud Data Service) Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the level of detail to include in the ORCE (Oracle Retail Customer Engagement) Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the ORCE (Oracle Retail Customer Engagement) Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the level of detail to include in the Order Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the Order Log before it is eligible for deletion See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.


Defines the location on the application server where the system downloads the Product, Product Location, and Incremental Inventory output files to send to Order Broker. An example directory is /domain/conf/OMSFiles/OROBData, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System. Note: If the OROB_DIRECTORY_PATH is not valid or is blank, or the specified folder does not exist, the system does not generate the output files and writes a message to the Application logSee Order Broker’s Product, Product Location, and Incremental Inventory Import Process for more information..


Defines the level of detail to include in the Order Broker Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the Order Broker Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the level of detail to include in the PayPal Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the PayPal Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the level of detail to include in the Response Log.

Valid values are:

         DEBUG = Generates fine-grained informational events.

         INFO = Generates informational messages.

         WARN = Generates warning messages.

         ERROR = Generates messages that indicate a serious issue.

         FATAL = Only generates messages that will cause the application to abort.

The delivered logging level is INFO.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the Response Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the level of detail to include in the RICS Log.

Valid values are:

         DEBUG = Generates fine-grained informational events.

         INFO = Generates informational messages.

         WARN = Generates warning messages.

         ERROR = Generates messages that indicate a serious issue.

         FATAL = Only generates messages that will cause the application to abort.

The delivered logging level is INFO.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the RICS Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d (default) The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.


Defines the level of detail to include in the Trace Log. See Logging Level.


The number of days to store a backup copy of the Trace Log before it is eligible for deletion. See Archived Logs.

To retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30d. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

Note:  The entry in this field must include the letter d, as in 30d.

Monitor Property Settings

The settings below are used by Oracle staff to manage system processing.

For more information: See:

         Monitoring Jobs for more information on how the system monitor jobs to ensure that they are running correctly.

         Long Running Jobs Monitor for more information on how the system watches the batch jobs running on the Job Management Screen and sends a Long Running Job Email to a specified email address if a job runs without ending longer than a specified time.

         Working with Required Responses (WREQ) and Required Response Processing for more information on how to respond to Order Management System jobs that require user intervention in order to proceed.

         Running a Periodic Process on Server Startup for more information on how to run a periodic process when the Order Management System application server is restarted.


Property Name



Used to filter data on the Managed Services report.


The email addresses that receive Managed Services reports. Separate email addresses with a semi-colon.


Indicates whether the job monitor runs on this application server.

Valid values:

Y = The job monitor runs on this server.

N (default) or blank = The job monitor does not run on this server. In this situation, the only option on the Work with Job Monitor Rules Screen is to display a rule’s settings.

Note:  Set this value to Y for all application servers that you wish to collect data on the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO).


Required; must be numeric. Indicates how long, in minutes, a job must be running before the system sends a Long Running Job Email to the email address defined in the CWDIRECTCP_LR_JOB_MONITOR_ALERT_TO_ EMAIL_ADDRESS.

Note:  The system applies this time to all batch jobs not included in the CWDIRECTCP_LR_JOB_MONITOR_EXCLUDE_JOBS list or the CWDIRECTCP_LR_JOB_MONITOR_ALERT_AFTER_X_MINUTES_OVERRIDE list.

The default setting is 30 minutes.


Optional. A list of batch jobs that the Long Running Jobs Monitor watches using a time other than the default time defined in the CWDIRECTCP_LR_JOB_MONITOR_ALERT_AFTER_X_MINUTES_DEFAULT setting.

The format for this setting is BATCH_JOB_NAME,99, where BATCH_JOB_NAME is the name of the batch job, and 99 is how long, in minutes, the job must run before the system sends a Long Running Job Email.

Separate each batch job name and its time with a comma; for example: BATCH_JOB_NAME1,120,BATCH_JOB_NAME2,30.

Example: The default time is 60 minutes, indicating a job must be running for 60 minutes before the system sends a Long Running Job email. However, the PICK_GEN job runs longer than 60 minutes on a regular basis and you don’t want to be notified about this job unless it runs longer than 120 minutes. In this situation, enter PICK_GEN,120.

The default setting is blank.


Required. The “from” email address for the Long Running Job Email.


Required. The list of email addresses that receive the Long Running Job Email when a job requires user evaluation. Each email address entered must be separated by a semi-colon (;).

For example:;


Optional. Allows changes to the Monitor Properties file without having to stop and restart Order Management System. See Applying Changes to the Monitor Properties for instructions.

RELOAD = The next time the Long Running Jobs Monitor wakes up, reload the settings in the Monitor Properties file and restart the Long Running Jobs Monitor to use the new settings.

EXIT = Stop the Long Running Jobs Monitor and do not send alerts until Order Management System is stopped and restarted. When you stop and restart Order Management System, the new settings will take effect.

RUN or any other value, including blank = Run the Long Running Jobs monitor using the current settings.

Important: If you make a change to the properties file and change this setting to RELOAD or EXIT, after your change takes effect, make sure you change this setting back to RUN, blank, or any other value other than RELOAD or EXIT.

The default setting is blank.


Optional. A list of batch jobs excluded from the Long Running Jobs Monitor evaluation. Typically, these are jobs that run all day, such as the Async, E-Commerce, and Drop Ship Integration jobs, or jobs that do not require a Long Running Job Email if they run too long.

Separate each job in the list with a comma. For example:


The default setting is


Note:  If you enter a batch job name here and the job is also defined in the CWDIRECTCP_LR_JOB_MONITOR_ALERT_AFTER_X_MINUTES_OVERRIDE setting, the system considers the job an override and it is not excluded from the Long Running Jobs monitor.


Required; must be numeric. Indicates how many times the Long Running Jobs Monitor must find the same running batch job before sending another Long Running Job Email.

Example: The Long Running Jobs Monitor configuration is as follows:



If the PICK_GEN job runs longer than 15 minutes, the system sends a Long Running Job email. The system will not send another Long Running Job email unless the PICK_GEN job is still running after an additional 75 minutes (15 minutes x 5 cycles = 75).


Required; must be numeric. How often, in minutes, the Long Running Jobs Monitor wakes up and looks at the running batch jobs on the Job Management Screen to determine if a job has been running longer than the number of minutes defined in the CWDIRECTCP_LR_JOB_MONITOR_ALERT_AFTER_X_MINUTES_DEFAULT setting.

The default setting is 15 minutes.


Used to filter data on the Managed Services report.


Defines how long to retain a batch job in the Job History table before the system purges it automatically based on the job’s End date. The default setting is 30 days.

The system submits the Job History purge process each time you start the application server. Job History records that do not have an End Date (indicating the job did not end) are not purged.

See Display Job History (DJHY) for more information.


The directory on the application server where you store queries used by the job monitor.

An example directory is domain/conf/OMSFiles/JobMonitorQueries/, where domain is the installed location of Order Management System.


Indicates the format of the Managed Services report.

         .pdf = Generate the Managed Services report in .pdf portable document format.

         .rtf = Generate the Managed Services report in .rtf rich text format.

         .txt = Generate the Managed Services report in .txt text format.


The list of email addresses that receive the Response Required Email when a job requires user intervention. Each email address entered must be separated by a semi-colon (;).

For example:;


The number of times Order Management System looks for a response to a job that requires user intervention before using the default response in order to proceed with the job.

For example, if this setting is 5, Order Management System will look for a user response five times, waiting 60 seconds between each timeSee Working with Required Responses (WREQ)..


The company number used to run a periodic function that requires a company to be defined.

If none of the periodic functions require a company number, enter your default company number or 1.

Valid values are 1-999. The system does not validate that your entry is a valid company number.

Required if a periodic process is defined in the STARTUP_PERIODIC_PROCESS_TO_RUN setting.


The number of minutes after system startup that the periodic process should be scheduled to start.

This time allows Order Management System to start up completely before running the periodic process.

Valid values are 1-999 minutes.

The delivered setting is 5 minutes.

Required if a periodic process is defined in the STARTUP_PERIODIC_PROCESS_TO_RUN setting.


The name of the periodic process to run when you restart Order Management System.

The process you enter must be a valid periodic process with assigned periodic functions. See Working with Periodic Processes (WPPR) for more information on creating a periodic process and how to assign periodic functions to it.


The user ID to run the periodic process; enter the user ID in all caps, for example JSMITH and not jsmith. This is the user ID that displays on the Scheduled Jobs Screen for the periodic process; any jobs submitted for the periodic process are also assigned to this user ID.

This must be a valid user ID in the User table.

Required if a periodic process is defined in the STARTUP_PERIODIC_PROCESS_TO_RUN setting.


The text that displays in a Managed Services email.


Defines whether a Managed Services email is generated.

         Y = Do no generate Managed Services emails.

         N = Generate Managed Services emails.


Indicates whether you log all alerts generated by the job monitor.

Valid values:

         Y = Log all alerts generated by the job monitor in the Alert Log.

         N or blank = Do not log alerts generated by the job monitor.


The directory on the application server where the system stores a copy of the alert emails generated by the job monitor.

This directory is not delivered; an example location is /domain/conf/OMSFiles/JobMonitorEmails/, where domain is the installed location of Order Management System.

Each alert email is stored in this directory using the following naming convention: ALERT_JOBNAME_RULENAME_DDMMYY_HHMMSS.txt, where:

         JOBNAME is job monitor name

         RULENAME is the job monitor rule name

         DDMMYY is the date the email alert was sent

         HHMMSS is the time the email alert was sent

Example:  ALERT_BILL_ASYNC_BILLASYNCACTIVE_032713_083000 indicates the email alert was generated for the BILL_ASYNC job monitor and BILLASYNCACTIVE job monitor rule on March 27 at 8:30.

Note:  The system does not save an alert email in this directory if the job monitor rule name contains any special characters.

System Property Settings

The settings below define configuration settings for the Order Management System application server.

Property Name



Information will be provided at a later date.


Information will be provided at a later date.


Information will be provided at a later date.


Information will be provided at a later date.


Defines whether you can process Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) when records exist for your company in the CC Authorization Transaction table. Valid values are:

         Y or this setting does not exist = Before processing Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS), the system first looks for records in the CC Authorization Transaction table for the company for which you are generating pick slips. If records exist in the CC Authorization Transaction table, the system does not continue with pick slip generation and instead generates a Pick Authorization Error Report and a Oracle Retail Order Management System Support Notification. Review the records in the CC Authorization Transaction table to determine if you need to use the Reprocess Authorizations Screen (RPAA) to reprocess authorizations and clear the records from the CC Authorization Transaction table.

         N = The system allows you to run Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) when records exist for your company in the CC Authorization Transaction table. Any records in the CC Authorization Transaction table will be resent for authorization.

See Pick Slip Generation Overview.


The number of records that the Batch Inventory Overlay Upload should process at a time. Normally set to 1000.


The domain and port allowed to call the Order Management System web services.

In order to use the Modern View module, you must enter the Modern View domain and port in this property.

Enter the domain in the following format https://domain:8000, where domain is the name of the server and 8000 is the port number.

To enter multiple values, separate each entry with a comma. For example: https://domain:8000,https://domain:9000.

Enter * (asterisk) to allow any domain and port to call the Order Management System web services.

Note:  Leave this setting blank if the Modern View module and the Order Management System web services share the same domain and port.


When using Order Management System for password authentication (the IDCS_ENABLED property is not true), defines whether a user is able to reuse previous passwords.

Y = users are able to reuse previous passwords.

N = the system saves a record of previously used passwords to prevent their reuse.

Example:  Setting of


User cannot specify a password that has already been used.


The location of the FTP script for the POSLog integration (poslog_ftp_commands.script file). The script consists of:

open | server | userID | passwd

put | /poslog/FTP_REMOTE_FILE_NAME


         server = the name of the destination server

         userID = a valid user ID for the destination system

         passwd = the user ID’s password

Note:  You should not modify the second line of the command file.

This folder is also used for the following integrations:

         Integration with the Sales Audit Module of the Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service

         Working with the Marketing Download Extract

See these integrations for more information.


The location of the delivered forms and reports.

The CWDIRECTCP_LINK_TEXT and CWDIRECTCP_LINK_URL settings below allow you to add a link to all screens in Order Management System (with the exception of the menu screens, the DITH and MMCM menu options, and the administrative screens such as Job Management and Document Management).

Example:  If you enter Go To Google in the CWDIRECTCP_LINK_TEXT setting and in the CWDIRECTCP_LINK_URL setting, then each screen will have a link that reads Go To Google that will open a new browser window and launch the URL to the Google web site.


Defines the text to display on the Order Management System screens for the link.

Example:  If you enter Go To CNN, then each screen will have a link that reads Go To CNN.

If you are Using Multiple Application Servers

If you are using multiple application servers, you will need to update this setting on each server.


Defines the URL to launch when a user clicks the link on a Order Management System screen.

Example:  If you enter, the system opens a new browser window and launches the URL to advance to the CNN web site.

If you are Using Multiple Application Servers

If you are using multiple application servers, you will need to update this setting on each server.

Password Rules

The following settings identify the requirements for user passwords, including the minimum and maximum length and any required numeric, uppercase, or special characters.

Note:  These rules apply only when using Order Management System for password authentication (the IDCS_ENABLED property is not true).

When you change password rules: Your new password rules take effect for new users the next time you reboot Order Management System or the server itself. However, your password rules do not prevent existing users from logging in using passwords created under the previous rules. The new rules apply only when you attempt to change user control record settings or change the password itself.

To make sure a user will change the password to conform to the new rules upon the next login, set the user’s Password Expired field to a date that is earlier than the current date.

See User Configuration in the Administration Guide for more information.


When using Order Management System for password authentication (the IDCS_ENABLED property is not true), indicates the maximum number of positions allowed in a user’s password. Leave this setting blank if there is no maximum.

Example:  Setting of


indicates the password must be no longer than 12 positions.


When using Order Management System for password authentication (the IDCS_ENABLED property is not true), indicates the minimum number of positions required for a user’s password. Leave this setting blank if there is no minimum.


When using Order Management System for password authentication (the IDCS_ENABLED property is not true), indicates the number of days after which a user’s password expires.

*NO = you do not want user passwords to expire automatically.

Example:  Setting of


When a user changes his or her password, the Password Expired date is reset to 30 days after the current date. For example, if a user changes her password on June 30, the Password Expired date is reset to July 30. The next time the user logs in after July 30, she will need to change her password.

Note:  This property must be set to a whole number.


When using Order Management System for password authentication (the IDCS_ENABLED property is not true), indicates if a numeral is required in a user’s password.

Y = a numeral is required.

N or blank = a numeral is not required.


When using Order Management System for password authentication (the IDCS_ENABLED property is not true), defines whether a special character is required in a user’s password. 

Y = a special character is required.

N or blank = a special character is not required.

Special characters are: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~.


When using Order Management System for password authentication (the IDCS_ENABLED property is not true), defines whether an uppercase (capital) letter is required in a user’s password. 

Y = an uppercase (capital) letter is required.

N or blank = an uppercase letter is not required.


Information will be provided at a later date.


The location on the application server where files are initially uploaded to Order Management System if the File Storage API is not enabled for imports.

However, even if the file storage API is enabled for imports, the process still uses this folder to place files that have been uploaded prior to additional processing.

See Work with File Uploads (WUPL) for more information.


The version, or build number, of Order Management System that the system is currently running. This number displays on the About Application Screen.


The default setting is org.apache.openejb.client.LocalInitialContextFactory.


The default setting is java:/comp/env/.


The default settings is jnp://localhost:1099.


The default setting is 1.


The default setting is -1.


The default setting is openejb:Resource/CWDirectCPDS.


Information will be provided at a later date.


Controls the number of threads available to process deposits. The default setting is 1. Optionally, set it to a higher number to enhance performance. You can enter any positive integer.

If the property is empty, missing, or not set to an integer, a setting of 1 defaults.

For more information: See Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP).


Defines the location on the application server where the system downloads product offer and customer merge information if the FILE_STORAGE_EXPORTS_ENABLED property is set to false. An example directory is /domain/conf/OMSFiles/WebData/, where domain is the installed location of Order Management System.

Note:  If the FILE_STORAGE_EXPORTS_ENABLED property is set to false:

         The system downloads product offer information to this directory when you download e-commerce offer files (EOFR) and the Generate E-Commerce Offer Tables (M29) system control value is unselected. See Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR) for processing details.

         The system downloads customer merge information to this directory when Performing a Merge using the Working with Merge/Purge Sold-to Names (MMCS) menu option if the Generate E-Commerce Customer Merge Staging Files (H86) system control value is selected.

         The system downloads the AvailabilityWeb XML file to this directory when it receives the E-Commerce Availability Web Request XML Message (AvailabilityWebRequest).

Note:  If the FILE_STORAGE_EXPORTS_ENABLED property is set to true, these files are not placed in this directory; instead, they are each included in a zip file of the same name and placed in the OMS-ECOMMERCE container of the FILE_STORAGE table.


Indicates the action to take when the order API generates an Invalid XML error response, since this error can indicate a database connection problem. If this property is set to Y, when the order API generates an Invalid XML error response, it attempts to verify the database connection. If the attempt is unsuccessful, the system ends the ORDER_IN job and sends a support notification. Otherwise, if this property is set to N or blank or does not exist, the order API continues trying to process order messages in the event of an Invalid XML error response.


         When TLS communication is turned on, set this property to https://localhost/SerenadeSeam/srsc.

         When TLS communication is turned off, set this property to https://localhost/SerenadeSeam/srs.

This is also the URL that GWT screens in Modern View use to communicate with the services. This URL is used only if the CC_RESOURCE_URI property is not set in the file.


The number of days to store jobs and generated reports and forms before they are eligible for deletion. Each time you restart Order Management System, the start up process deletes the following if they are older than the number of days specified here:

         archived reports, including PDF files, XML files, and text files.

         job logs.

         entries in the dbo.Jenasysjob table. This table is used to track submitted jobs.

If you do not define the retention days, Order Management System does not delete outdated documents.


         The deletion uses both the date and the time in determining whether to purge a document. For example, the current time is 7:00 a.m. and the JOB_RETENTION_DAYS is set to 30. If the report was created earlier than 7:00 30 days ago, it is eligible for deletion; otherwise, if it was created later than 7:00 30 days ago, it is not currently eligible.

         Certain text files might have a later date than the related PDF files, and so might not be eligible to purge at the same time as the related PDF. For example, if you view a PDF file for a form a day after creating it, Order Management System creates a text file logging that activity for the date when you viewed the PDF.


The location on the application server where the system creates Order Broker product, product location, and incremental inventory files to import into Order Broker. An example directory is /domain/conf/OMSFiles/OROBData/, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System. Note: If the OROB_DIRECTORY_PATH is not valid or is blank, or the specified folder does not exist, the system does not create any output files and writes a message to the Application log.

See Order Broker’s Product, Product Location, and Incremental Inventory Import Process.


The URL used to call the Order Broker RESTful web service when sending product, product location, and incremental inventory data to Order Broker if the OROB_IMPORTS_ENABLED property is set to true.

For example: https://order_broker_url:port, where order_broker_url is the URL used to connect to Order Broker and port if the port number used to connect to Order Broker.

See Order Broker’s Product, Product Location, and Incremental Inventory Import Process.


Information will be provided at a later date.


If this property is set to Y, the Batch Inventory Overlay Upload writes entries in the Job.log file, for example: File: INV_OVERLAY_005.TXT Rows: 4 Success: 1 Errors: 3 Start Time: Mon Mar 04 16:03:11 EST 2019 End Time: Mon Mar 04 16:03:11 EST 2019 Time In Seconds: 0.041420431 Time In Minutes: 6.903405166666667E-4


The maximum number of pick slips in a single PDF document. The system continues to break pick slips into separate PDF documents using the criteria outlined under Sorting Pick Slips into Separate PDF Documents; however, if the number of pick slips in a PDF document reaches the number defined in the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting, the system creates a new PDF document.

Note:  The system uses the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting when printing pick slips through Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) and Reprinting and Voiding Pick Slips (WVRP or WSVP). Also, the system uses this setting when printing Gift Acknowledgements.

Working with the pick slip form: Once the system finishes processing one pick slip PDF document, you can open and print the pick slips in the document using the Forms Management Screen; you do not have to wait until all of the PDF documents for the pick slip generation run have generated.

When printing pick slips, the system includes a PDF document sort number in the name of the document generated for the pick slip. For example, if the system generates two pick slip documents for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5, the system names the documents PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103001456_001.PDF and PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103001456_002.PDF, where PICKG is the name of the print program, KBROWN is the user ID of the person who generated the pick slips, 20090804.103001456 is the date and time stamp, and 001 and 002 is the PDF document sort number. See Form Naming Conventions for more information.

Recommended setting: The recommended setting is 250 picks. The system also uses 250 as the default value if this setting is blank or missing.


Example:  When the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting is 600, the system creates the following spool files for a pick slip generation run:

         50 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103000123_001.PDF)

         300 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103001456_001.PDF)

         510 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103003789_001.PDF)

         75 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103006912_001.PDF)

         225 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103007134_001.PDF)

         25 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103008112_001.PDF)


When the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting is 250, the system creates the following spool files for the same pick slip generation run:

         50 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103000123_001.PDF)

         250 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103001456_001.PDF)

         50 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103001456_002.PDF)

         250 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103003789_001.PDF)

         250 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103003789_002.PDF)

         10 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103003789_003.PDF)

         75 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103006912_001.PDF)

         225 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103007134_001.PDF)

         25 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBROWN.20090804.103008112_001.PDF)

Notice that the system creates multiple spool files for pick slips in warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 and for pick slips in warehouse 1, ship via priority 9, based on 250 in the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting.

