Template Files

A number of small application templates are found throughout the apps directory. Each of these files contains a small, well-defined set of functionality that enables a software developer to easily understand its implementation via the TSCF client-side SDK.

|   +---tsc_sip_client.c              Provides a basic SIP client utilizing
                                      TCP/TLS/UDP/DTLS for tunnel transport
                                      of inner UDP sockets. Supports Linux,
                                      Windows, and Android operating systems.
|   +---tsc_sip_server.c              Provides a basic SIP server utilizing 
                                      TCP/TLS/UDP/DTLS for tunnel transport 
                                      of inner UDP sockets. Supports Linux, 
                                      Windows, and Android operating systems.
|   +---tsc_sip_inner_tcp.c           Provides a basic SIP client utilizing 
                                      TCP for tunnel transport and 
                                      demonstrating usage of TCP sockets
                                      for applications such as HTTP -- 
                                      supports Linux operating systems.

All of the above files contain extensive comments making it an easy task to navigate through the code. Using tsc_sip_client.c as an example, you can readily proceed through the file.

  1. Search for tsc_ctrl_init () and examine the code immediately following this function for the details of tunnel initialization.
  2. Search for Create a Tunnel and examine the code immediately following for the details of tunnel creation and the configuration exchange between the TSCF server and client.
  3. Search for SIP SOCKET CREATION and examine the code that creates and binds TSCF sockets.
  4. Search for REGISTER TRANSACTION and examine the code that builds a SIP REGISTRAR request and processes the REGISTRAR response.
  5. Search for INVITE TRANSACTION and examine the code that builds a SIP INVITE request and processes the REGISTRAR response.
  6. Search for Build and send ACK to examine ACK creation and processing code.
  7. Search for RTP Exchange to examine RTP code.
  8. Search for BYE TRANSACTION to find code that terminates a SIP connection.
  9. Search for TEST DONE to find code that terminates a tunnel.