Enabling Redundancy

TSM enables an application to improve media quality under adverse network packet loss through the tunnel redundancy feature.

Once enabled, tunnel redundancy comes with two options:
  1. Original TSM tunnel + 1 redundant tunnel
  2. Original TSM tunnel + 2 redundant tunnels

Increasing the number of tunnels increases media quality at the cost of network bandwidth. Decide what kind of redundancy you require before enabling this feature.

Tunnel redundancy can be enabled on a per-socket basis.
  1. Create a notification handler function. Once requested, the TSCF notifies the application whether the redundancy was enabled successfully.
  2. Set a socket option with the type of redundancy factor (1 or 2).

Search for the text “RTP socket created” and "TSC_REDUNDANCY" in the reference file for actual code implementation that creates redundant tunnels for RTP packets.