ルート・スキーマ: JDBC接続プール・パラメータ
型: object
- connectionCreationRetryFrequencySeconds(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 0
- connectionHarvestMaxCount(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 1
デフォルト値: 1
- connectionHarvestTriggerCount(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: -1
デフォルト値: -1
- connectionLabelingCallback(optional): string
- connectionReserveTimeoutSeconds(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: -1
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 10
- countOfRefreshFailuresTillDisable(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
デフォルト値: 2
データベース・エラーによって発生する接続リクエストの処理における遅延を最小限に抑えるためにWebLogic Serverが接続プールを無効にするまでの間許可される、再接続の失敗数を指定します。ゼロは無効であることを意味します。
- countOfTestFailuresTillFlush(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
デフォルト値: 2
さらなるデータベース・テストによって発生する遅延を最小限に抑えるためにWebLogic Serverが接続プール内の未使用のすべての接続を閉じるまでの間許可される、テストの失敗数を指定します。ゼロは無効であることを意味します。
- credentialMappingEnabled(optional): boolean
デフォルト値: false
データ・ソースに対して「接続時にクライアントIDを設定」を有効化します。アプリケーションがデータベース接続をリクエストすると、WebLogic Serverによりデータベース接続に対して軽量クライアントIDが設定されます。
デフォルトでは、資格証明マッピングを使用して、WebLogic ServerユーザーIDがデータベース・ユーザーIDにマップされます。ただし、use-database-credentialsがtrueに設定されている場合は、資格証明マッピングは実行されず、IDがそのままデータベース・ユーザーIDとして使用されます。
現時点では、IBM DB2ドライバとOracle Thinドライバでサポートされています。この機能のサポートは、将来のOracle Thinドライバのリリースで廃止されます。この機能のかわりに、プロキシ認証を使用することをお薦めします。
- driverInterceptor(optional): string
Weblogic Serverは、JDBCドライバ内のメソッドを呼び出す前後に、登録されたアプリケーションのpreInvokeCallback()、postInvokeExceptionCallback()、およびpostInvokeCallback()メソッドを呼び出します。この機能を使用すると、JDBCドライバの使用状況のプロファイリングを行い、次をモニターすることができます:
- fatalErrorCodes(optional): string
3113: "通信チャネルでend-of-fileが検出されました"
3114: "Oracleに接続されていません"
1033: "Oracleの初期化または停止が進行中です"
1034: "Oracleは使用できません"
1089: "即時停止が進行中です - 操作は許可されません"
1090: "停止が進行中です - 接続は許可されません"
17002: "I/O例外"
- highestNumWaiters(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 2147483647
- identityBasedConnectionPoolingEnabled(optional): boolean
デフォルト値: false
データ・ソースのアイデンティティ・ベースの接続プールを有効化します。アプリケーションがデータベース接続をリクエストすると、WebLogic ServerはWebLogicユーザー・アイデンティティおよびデータベース・アイデンティティのマップに基づき、リクエストされたDBMSのアイデンティティを備える物理的接続を選択または作成します。
また、WebLogic ServerユーザーIDのマップをデータベース・ユーザーIDに指定する必要があります(資格証明マッピング)。
- ignoreInUseConnectionsEnabled(optional): boolean
デフォルト値: true
- inactiveConnectionTimeoutSeconds(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 0
WebLogic Serverによって接続が再び要求されて接続プールに戻されるまでに、予約接続が非アクティブな秒数。
- initialCapacity(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 1
- initSql(optional): string
"select count(*) from InitSQL"
- JDBCXADebugLevel(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 100
デフォルト値: 10
- loginDelaySeconds(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 0
- maxCapacity(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 1
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 15
- minCapacity(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 1
- pinnedToThread(optional): boolean
デフォルト値: false
がコールされても、接続は実行スレッドに固定された状態で保持され、接続プールに戻されません。その後、アプリケーションが同じ実行スレッドを使用して接続をリクエストすると、WebLogic Serverによってスレッドで予約済みの接続が提供されます。
アプリケーションが同じ実行スレッドを使用して接続プールからの複数の接続を同時に予約する場合、WebLogic Serverでは追加のデータベース接続が作成され、それらがスレッドに固定されます。
- profileConnectionLeakTimeoutSeconds(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 0
- profileHarvestFrequencySeconds(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 300
- profileType(optional): integer(int32)
デフォルト値: 0
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_USAGE - データ・ソースの接続プールの接続を現在使用しているスレッドをプロファイルします。
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_RESV_WAIT - データ・ソースからの接続の予約を現在待機しているスレッドをプロファイルします。
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_LEAK - データ・ソースからの接続を予約し、その接続がリークした(接続プールに正常に戻されなかった)スレッドをプロファイルします。
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_RESV_FAIL - データ・ソースからの接続を予約しようとして失敗したスレッドをプロファイルします。
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_STMT_CACHE_ENTRY - 文キャッシュに追加されたプリコンパイルされた文と呼出し可能文、およびキャッシュされた文から発生したスレッドをプロファイルします。
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_STMT_USAGE - 文キャッシュのSQL文を現在実行しているスレッドをプロファイルします。
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_LAST_USAGE - 接続を最後に使用した前スレッドをプロファイルします。この情報は、保留中のトランザクションによって後続のXA操作が失敗している場合など、接続の問題をデバッグする際に役立ちます。
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_MT_USAGE - 異なるスレッドによって以前に取得された接続を不正に使用しているスレッドをプロファイルします。
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_UNWRAP_USAGE - unwrapまたはweblogic.common.wrapper.Wrapper.getVendorObjの呼出しによってJDBC委任オブジェクトを取得したスレッドをプロファイルします。
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_LOCALTX_LEAK - アクティブなローカル・データベース・トランザクションのあるJDBC接続を閉じるスレッドをプロファイルします。
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_NONE - データ・ソースに対してプロファイリングを無効にます。
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_ALL - データ・ソースに対してすべてのプロファイル・タイプを有効にします。
- removeInfectedConnections(optional): boolean
デフォルト値: true
- secondsToTrustAnIdlePoolConnection(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 10
- shrinkFrequencySeconds(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 900
- statementCacheSize(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 1024
デフォルト値: 10
- statementCacheType(optional): string
デフォルト値: LRU
使用可能な値: [ "LRU", "FIXED" ]
- statementTimeout(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: -1
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: -1
StatementTimeoutは、基底のJDBCドライバのサポートに依存します。WebLogic Serverでは、java.sql.Statement.setQueryTimeout()
- testConnectionsOnReserve(optional): boolean
デフォルト値: false
接続をクライアントに渡す前にWebLogic Serverでテストできるようにします。(「テスト対象の表名」を指定する必要があります。)
- testFrequencySeconds(optional): integer(int32)
最小値: 0
最大値: 2147483647
デフォルト値: 120
未使用の接続をテストするときに、次のテストが試行されるまでWebLogic Serverインスタンスが待機する秒数(「テスト対象の表名」を指定する必要があります。)テストに失敗した接続は閉じられ、再度開かれて有効な物理接続が再確立されます。テストが再度失敗すると、その接続は閉じられます。
- testTableName(optional): string
接続のテストに使用されるデフォルトのSQLコードは次のとおりです。select count(*) from TestTableName
で始まる場合、SQLより後の文字列は、標準の問合せのかわりに接続をテストするリテラルのSQL文として扱われます。例: SQL BEGIN; Null; END;
Oracleデータベースの場合、「テスト対象の表名」をSQL PINGDATABASE
メソッドを使用してOracle接続のテストが実行されるため、接続テストのオーバーヘッドを減らすことができます。JDBC 4.0データベースでは、SQL ISVALIDを使用して、接続にisValid ()
- wrapJdbc(optional): boolean
デフォルト値: true
- wrapTypes(optional): boolean
デフォルト値: true
"description":"<p>Specifies level of JDBC debugging for XA drivers, where larger values in the range provide more debugging information. </p>"
"description":"<p>The number of seconds between attempts to establish connections to the database.</p><p>If you do not set this value, data source creation fails if the database is unavailable. If set and if the database is unavailable when the data source is created, WebLogic Server will attempt to create connections in the pool again after the number of seconds you specify, and will continue to attempt to create the connections until it succeeds.</p><p>When set to <code></code>, connection retry is disabled.</p>"
"description":"<p>The maximum number of connections that may be harvested when the connection harvesting occurs. The range of valid values is 1 to MaxCapacity.</p>"
"description":"<p>Specifies the number of available connections (trigger value) used to determine when connection harvesting occurs.</p><ul><li><p>Harvesting occurs when the number of available connections is below the trigger value for a connection pool.</p></li><li><p>The range of valid values is -1 to <code>MaxCapacity</code></p></li><li><p>Default value is <code>-1</code></p></li><li><p>Setting the value to <code>-1</code> disables connection harvesting.</p></li></ul>"
"description":"<p>The class name of the connection labeling callback. This is automatically passed to registerConnectionLabelingCallback when the datasource is created. The class must implement <code>oracle.ucp.ConnectionLabelingCallback</code></p>"
"description":"<p>The number of seconds after which a call to reserve a connection from the connection pool will timeout.</p><p>When set to <code></code>, a call will never timeout.</p><p>When set to <code>-1</code>, a call will timeout immediately.</p>"
"description":"<p>Specifies the number of reconnect failures allowed before WebLogic Server disables a connection pool to minimize the delay in handling the connection request caused by a database failure. Zero means it is disabled.</p>"
"description":"<p>Specifies the number of test failures allowed before WebLogic Server closes all unused connections in a connection pool to minimize the delay caused by further database testing. Zero means it is disabled.</p>"
"description":"<p>Enables Set Client ID on connection for the data source. When an application requests a database connection, WebLogic Server sets a light-weight client ID on the database connection.</p><p>By default, it uses the credential mapping to map WebLogic Server user IDs to database user IDs. However, if use-database-credentials is set to true, then the credential mapping is not done and the ID is used directly as a database user ID.</p><p>It is currently supported for IBM DB2 driver and Oracle thin driver. Support for this feature will be dropped in a future Oracle thin driver release. Oracle recommends using proxy authentication instead of this feature.</p>"
"description":"<p>Specifies the absolute name of the application class used to intercept method calls to the JDBC driver. The application specified must implement the weblogic.jdbc.extensions.DriverInterceptor interface. </p><p>Weblogic Server will invoke the preInvokeCallback(), postInvokeExceptionCallback(), and postInvokeCallback() methods of the registered application before and after invoking any method inside the JDBC driver. You can use this feature to profile JDBC driver usage and monitor:</p><ul><li><p>Methods being executed</p></li><li><p>Any exceptions thrown</p></li><li><p>Time spent inside the driver executing methods</p></li></ul>"
"description":"<p>Specifies a comma-separated list of error codes that are treated as fatal errors. These errors include deployment errors that cause a server to fail to boot and connection errors that prevent a connection from being put back in the connection pool.</p><p>This optional attribute is used to define fatal error codes, that when specified as the exception code within a <code>SQLException</code> (retrieved by <code>sqlException.getErrorCode()</code>), indicate that a fatal error has occurred and the connection is no longer usable. For Oracle databases the following fatal error codes are predefined within WLS and do not need to be placed in the configuration file: </p><ul><li><p>3113: \"end-of-file on communication channel\" </p></li><li><p>3114: \"not connected to ORACLE\" </p></li><li><p>1033: \"ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress\" </p></li><li><p>1034: \"ORACLE not available\" </p></li><li><p>1089: \"immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted\"</p></li><li><p>1090: \"shutdown in progress - connection is not permitted\" </p></li><li><p>17002: \"I/O exception\" </p></li></ul>"
"description":"<p>The maximum number of connection requests that can concurrently block threads while waiting to reserve a connection from the data source's connection pool.</p>"
"description":"<p>Enables identity-based-connection-pooling for the data source. When an application requests a database connection, WebLogic Server picks or creates a physical connection with requested DBMS identity based on a map of WebLogic user IDs and database IDs.</p><p>You must also specify the map of WebLogic Server user IDs to database user IDs (credential mapping).</p>"
"description":"<p>Enables the data source to be shutdown even if connections obtained from the pool are still in use.</p>"
"description":"<p>The number of inactive seconds on a reserved connection before WebLogic Server reclaims the connection and releases it back into the connection pool.</p><p>You can use the Inactive Connection Timeout feature to reclaim leaked connections - connections that were not explicitly closed by the application. Note that this feature is not intended to be used in place of properly closing connections.</p><p>When set to <code></code>, the feature is disabled.</p>"
"description":"<p>SQL statement to execute that will initialize newly created physical database connections. Start the statement with SQL followed by a space.</p><p>If the Init SQL value begins with <code>\"SQL \"</code>, then the rest of the string following that leading token will be taken as a literal SQL statement that will be used to initialize database connections. If the Init SQL value does not begin with \"SQL \", the value will be treated as the name of a table and the following SQL statement will be used to initialize connections:</p><p><code>\"select count(*) from InitSQL\"</code></p><p>The table <code>InitSQL</code> must exist and be accessible to the database user for the connection. Most database servers optimize this SQL to avoid a table scan, but it is still a good idea to set <code>InitSQL</code> to the name of a table that is known to have few rows, or even no rows.</p>"
"description":"<p>The number of physical connections to create when creating the connection pool in the data source. If unable to create this number of connections, creation of the data source will fail.</p>"
"description":"<p>The number of seconds to delay before creating each physical database connection. This delay supports database servers that cannot handle multiple connection requests in rapid succession.</p><p>The delay takes place both during initial data source creation and during the lifetime of the data source whenever a physical database connection is created.</p>"
"description":"<p>The maximum number of physical connections that this connection pool can contain.</p>"
"description":"<p>The minimum number of physical connections that this connection pool can contain after it is initialized.</p><ul><li><p> Default: InitialCapacity</p></li><li><p> Used only for connection pool shrinking calculations. </p></li><li><p> For compatibility, <code>InitialCapacity</code> is used if <code>MinCapacity</code> is not configured.</p></li><li><p> Once a data source has gone through a suspend/resume, the larger value of either <code>MinCapacity</code> or <code>InitialCapacity</code> is used.</p></li></ul>"
"description":"<p>Enables an option to improve performance by enabling execute threads to keep a pooled database connection even after the application closes the logical connection.</p><p>When enabled:</p><ul><li><p> WebLogic Server pins a database connection from the connection pool to an execution thread the first time an application uses the thread to reserve a connection. When the application finishes using the connection and calls <code>connection.close()</code>, WebLogic Server keeps the connection with the execute thread and does not return it to the connection pool. When an application subsequently requests a connection using the same execute thread, WebLogic Server provides the connection already reserved by the thread.</p></li><li><p>There is no locking contention on the connection pool that occurs when multiple threads attempt to reserve a connection at the same time. There is no contention for threads that attempt to reserve the same connection from a limited number of database connections.</p></li><li><p>If an application concurrently reserves more than one connection from the connection pool using the same execute thread, WebLogic Server creates additional database connections and pins them to the thread.</p></li><li><p>The maximum capacity of the connection pool (maximum number of database connections created in the connection pool) becomes the number of execute threads used to request a connection multiplied by the number of concurrent connections each thread reserves. This may exceed the <code>Maximum Capacity</code> specified for the connection pool. You may need to consider this larger number of connections in your system design and ensure that your database allows for additional associated resources. If your system cannot handle the additional resource requirements or if you see database resource errors after enabling <code>PinnedToThread</code>, Oracle recommends not using <code>PinnedToThread</code>. See <a href=\"http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=fmw122140&id=JDBCA198\">Using Pinned-To-Thread Property to Increase Performance</a></p></li></ul>"
"description":"<p>The number of seconds that a JDBC connection needs to be held by an application before triggering a connection leak diagnostic profiling record.</p><p>When set to <code></code>, the timeout is disabled. This attribute only applies when the connection leak diagnostic profiling option is enabled.</p>"
"description":"<p>The number of seconds between when WebLogic Server harvests profile data.</p><p>When set to <code></code>, harvesting of data is disabled.</p>"
"description":"<p>Specifies that type of profile data to be collected for the JDBC subsystem.</p><p>You can specify combinations of the following profile types:</p><ul><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_USAGE - Profile threads currently using connections from the pool of connections in the data source. </p></li><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_RESV_WAIT - Profile threads currently waiting to reserve a connection from the data source.</p></li><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_LEAK - Profile threads that have reserved a connection from the data source and the connection leaked (was not properly returned to the pool of connections).</p></li><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_RESV_FAIL - Profile threads that attempt to reserve a connection from the data source but fail.</p></li><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_STMT_CACHE_ENTRY - Profile prepared and callable statements added to the statement cache, and profile the threads that originated the cached statements.</p></li><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_STMT_USAGE - Profile threads currently executing SQL statements from the statement cache.</p></li><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_LAST_USAGE - Profile the previous thread that last used the connection. This information is useful when debugging problems with connections infected with pending transactions that cause subsequent XA operations on the connections to fail.</p></li><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_MT_USAGE - Profile threads that erroneously use a connection previously obtained by a different thread.</p></li><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_UNWRAP_USAGE - Profile threads that have obtained the JDBC delegate object by invoking unwrap or weblogic.common.wrapper.Wrapper.getVendorObj.</p></li><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_LOCALTX_LEAK - Profile threads that close JDBC connections that have an active local database transaction.</p></li><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_NONE - Disable profiling for the data source.</p></li><li><p>weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_ALL - Enable all profile types for the data source.</p></li></ul>"
"description":"<p>Specifies whether a connection will be removed from the connection pool after the application uses the underlying vendor connection object.</p><p>If you disable removing infected connections, you must make sure that the database connection is suitable for reuse by other applications.</p><p>When set to <code>true</code> (the default), the physical connection is not returned to the connection pool after the application closes the logical connection. Instead, the physical connection is closed and recreated.</p><p>When set to <code>false</code>, when the application closes the logical connection, the physical connection is returned to the connection pool and can be reused by the application or by another application.</p>"
"description":"<p>The number of seconds within a connection use that WebLogic Server trusts that the connection is still viable and will skip the connection test, either before delivering it to an application or during the periodic connection testing process.</p><p>This option is an optimization that minimizes the performance impact of connection testing, especially during heavy traffic.</p>"
"description":"<p>The number of seconds to wait before shrinking a connection pool that has incrementally increased to meet demand.</p><p>When set to <code></code>, shrinking is disabled.</p>"
"description":"<p>The number of prepared and callable statements stored in the cache. (This may increase server performance.)</p><p>WebLogic Server can reuse statements in the cache without reloading the statements, which can increase server performance. Each connection in the connection pool has its own cache of statements.</p><p>Setting the size of the statement cache to 0 turns off statement caching.</p>"
"description":"<p>The algorithm used for maintaining the prepared statements stored in the statement cache.</p><p>Options are: </p><ul><li><p>LRU - when a new prepared or callable statement is used, the least recently used statement is replaced in the cache.</p></li><li><p>FIXED - the first fixed number of prepared and callable statements are cached.</p></li></ul>"
"description":"<p>The time after which a statement currently being executed will time out.</p><p>StatementTimeout relies on underlying JDBC driver support. WebLogic Server passes the time specified to the JDBC driver using the <code>java.sql.Statement.setQueryTimeout()</code> method. If your JDBC driver does not support this method, it may throw an exception and the timeout value is ignored.</p><p>A value of <code>-1</code> disables this feature.</p><p>A value of <code></code> means that statements will not time out.</p>"
"description":"<p>Enables WebLogic Server to test a connection before giving it to a client. (Requires that you specify a Test Table Name.)</p><p>The test adds a small delay in serving the client's request for a connection from the pool, but ensures that the client receives a viable connection.</p>"
"description":"<p>The number of seconds a WebLogic Server instance waits between attempts when testing unused connections. (Requires that you specify a Test Table Name.) Connections that fail the test are closed and reopened to re-establish a valid physical connection. If the test fails again, the connection is closed.</p><p>In the context of multi data sources, this attribute controls the frequency at which WebLogic Server checks the health of data sources it had previously marked as unhealthy.</p><p>When set to <code></code>, the feature is disabled.</p>"
"description":"<p>The name of the database table to use when testing physical database connections. This name is required when you specify a Test Frequency and enable Test Reserved Connections.</p><p>The default SQL code used to test a connection is <code>select count(*) from TestTableName</code></p><p>Most database servers optimize this SQL to avoid a table scan, but it is still a good idea to set the Test Table Name to the name of a table that is known to have few rows, or even no rows.</p><p>If the Test Table Name begins with <code>SQL</code>, then the rest of the string following that leading token will be taken as a literal SQL statement that will be used to test connections instead of the standard query. For example: <code>SQL BEGIN; Null; END; </code></p><p>For an Oracle database, you can reduce the overhead of connection testing by setting Test Table Name to <code>SQL PINGDATABASE</code> which uses the <code>pingDatabase()</code> method to test the Oracle connection. For any JDBC 4.0 database, it is possible to use \"SQL ISVALID\" to use the <code>isValid()</code> method on the connection.</p>"
"description":"<p>By default, SQL objects for <code>CallableStatement</code>, <code>PreparedStatement</code>, <code>ResultSet</code>, <code>Statement</code>, and <code>DatabaseMetaData</code> are wrapped with a WebLogic wrapper. Wrapping allows features like debugging and connection usage to be performed by the server.</p><p>When <code>false</code>, wrapping is disabled. This improves performance, in some cases significantly, and allows for the application to use the native driver objects directly. A value of <code>false</code> also disables data type wrapping.</p>"
"description":"<p>By default, data type objects for Array, Blob, Clob, NClob, Ref, SQLXML, and Struct, plus ParameterMetaData and ResultSetMetaData objects are wrapped with a WebLogic wrapper. This allows for features like debugging and connection usage to be done by the server.</p><p>The wrapping can be turned off by setting this value to false. This improves performance, in some cases significantly, and allows for the application to use the native driver objects directly.</p>"