Two-step Verification (2SV) - View, Add, and Remove 2SV Methods

Two-step verification (2SV) is a sign in process that uses your username and password, but also requires extra verification. This extra verification step keeps your account safe even if someone else has your password.

Note: Your administrator determines which two-step verification options are available. If your organization uses Single Sign On, you do not have the option manage two-step verification.

To view your two-step verification settings:

  1. On the User Menu, select User Settings.
  2. In the Two-Step Verification section, view your 2SV settings. These methods may be available:
    • Email: A passcode is sent to your email address.
    • Mobile Number: A passcode is sent by text message to your mobile device.
    • Mobile App: A mobile app generates a passcode. All mobile apps that use the TOTP RFC 6238 standard work with this method.
    • Oracle Authenticator App: A push notification is sent to your mobile device with the Oracle Authenticator App, giving you the option to allow or deny sign-in attempts with your account. This method only works if the mobile device has an internet connection.
    • Secret Questions: A secret question must be answered correctly.

To add a two-step verification method:

  1. On the User Settings page, in the Two-Step Verification section, find the verification method that you want to add.
  2. By the verification method that you want to add, select Add.
  3. In the dialog box, follow the instructions to add the selected 2SV method.
  4. Enter your password to verify the change.

    The new 2SV method is now active and will be required the next time you sign in.

To remove a two-step verification method:

  1. On the User Settings page, in the Two-Step Verification section, find the verification method that you want to remove.
  2. By the verification method that you want to remove, select More, and then select Remove this verification method.
