Token Proxy Exchange Service

The Token Proxy Exchange Service is a proxy interface for the hosted OPERA application. This proxy service only processes the token or PAN exchange. The partner payment service providers contain the actual token functionality. As a result, no financial transactions are exchanged and no PCI data saves in the Token Proxy Exchange Service system.

The Token Proxy Exchange system has three main components:
  • The Database is used to store the configuration from the web portal, and the service will read from it.

  • The Token Proxy Exchange Web Portal is used to configure the settings used by the service. It is a web application suitable for hosting in WebLogic or Tomcat.

  • The Token Proxy Exchange Service is a standalone application that can be run as a Windows service. This application creates a listener to listen on a TCP port (configured in the database but default to 443) to listen for XML messages posted over HTTPS. This listener must be exposed to the client (for example, OPERA systems).

This iamge shows the Token Proxy Exchange Service Architecture.

OPERA system communicates with Token Proxy Service using a HTTPS TLS 1.2 connection. TPS uses basic HTTP authentication to validate the request that comes from a trusted client.

The Token Proxy Service communicates securely with third-party payment service providers by using HTTPS TLS 1.2 with client certificates.

Authorized datacenter administrators can use the Token Proxy Exchange Service web portal to configure the service, such as the merchant account and payment provider information.