Installation Prerequisites

Before installing the Token Proxy Service, verify your environment meets the following requirements:
  • 64-bit host

  • Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019 and Windows 10

  • You can install either Oracle or MySQL database:
    • Oracle 12c/19c database server installed and running, and the user understands how to use and configure Oracle DB.

    • MySQL 8.0 database is installed and running.

  • WebLogic running to host the Web Portal and the user understands how to use and configure WebLogic 12c. This is not required if you want to deploy TPS using Tomcat.

  • An SMTP server exists for sending emails to users.

  • JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 1.8. If Token Proxy Service is installed on the same host as WebLogic (which includes JDK), a separate JRE for Token Proxy Service is not required.


Token Proxy Service 19.2 has the following options for database and deployment:
  • Supports Oracle12c/19c database and allows deployment of Token Proxy WebPortal on WebLogic.

  • Supports Oracle12c/19c database and allows deployment of Token Proxy WebPortal on Tomcat.

  • Supports MySQL database and allows deployment of Token Proxy WebPortal on Tomcat.