Pre-Installation Checklist

Before installing Token Proxy Service, ensure you have the following information available:

You have installed and configured either Oracle or MySQL database before installing Token Proxy Service.
  • Oracle Database Information
    • Host, port#, and service name

    • DBA user credentials

  • MySQL Database Information
    • Host, port# and database name

    • DBA user credentials


By default MySQL is installed with configuration that allows the root user to connect only via the localhost address. In the scenario where your MySQL database is not installed on the same host as the other elements of your Token Proxy system, you would need to configure MySQL with an additional users, so the database server will accept the connection via an address other than localhost.
  • Connect to the MYSQL Database as the “root” user.

  • Run the following queries: USE mysql; SELECT user, host FROM user

    You will see that the "root" user is only related to the "localhost" host

  • Once it is verified that the root user only has permission to connect in localhost, run the following query:

    Create user 'root'@'<hostname_or_lan_ip_address>’ identified by “<root password>”;

    Grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'<hostname_or_lan_ip_address>’with grant option;

    Where <hostname_or_lan_ip_address> is the hostname or ip address you want to be able to connect to the database via, and "<root_password> is the user the root password.

    For more information refer to the MySQL documentation;

  • If you want to, run the first query again to verify that the root user has the connect permission with server IP.

  • WebLogic host and authentication credentials. This is required only when Tomcat is not selected as the web server.

  • SMTP host, port, and authentication credentials

  • PSP details (including certificates)

  • Client details (including Card Type setup from client’s OPERA configuration)

  • Some installations may include additional network configuration and whitelisting in the data center, which requires network-specific information or IP addresses.