Creating Additional Users

  1. On the TPS home page, click Users tab.

  2. On the Users home page, click Create New User.

  3. First name: First name of the new User.

  4. Last name: Last name of the new User.

  5. Email: Email address of the new User. The password reset email is sent to this email address.

  6. User is active: Select this option to activate the user account.

  7. User is locked: System administrator may need to uncheck this option if a user cannot log in to the system.

  8. Select the required Role for the new User. The Token Proxy Configuration Portal includes the following two predefined Roles:
    1. System Administrator: Can view all pages within the Web Portal.

    2. Client User: Can only view the Home Page and the Client System Configuration pages to which the user has been assigned.

  9. Select the Clients from the available list.

  10. Click Create User.

    This image shows creation of new user details.