OPI Client Certificate Creator

The OPI Client Certificate Creator utility can be used to create self-signed certificates.

The OPI Client Certificate Creator is included in the subfolders of the Token Proxy Service installation.

  1. Run CertCreator.jar, and then add the required information.

  2. Click Create Certificate Files when complete.

    This image shows Client certificate creation screen.
  3. Specify the location to save the certificates, enter the filename, and then click Save.
    • Both a .pfx and .cer are created in the specified location.

    • The certificate expires five years from the date of creation.

The OPI Client Certificate Creator fields translate to standard certificate attributes as follows:

Chain Code > CN (CommonName)

Merchant Organization Department > OU (OrganizationalUnit)

Merchant Organization Name > O (Organization)

Merchant City > L (Locality)

Merchant State > S (StateOrProvinceName)

Merchant Country > C (CountryName)

This image shows OPI Client Certificate.