AppContext.TPNOAUTH Field

Indicates that no authentication is required.

public const int TPNOAUTH;



Indicates that no authentication is required, see also the remarks of the return values of C function tpchkauth in Tuxedo ATMI C Function Reference


AppContext.TPSYSAUTH Field

Indicates that system authentication only is required

public const int TPSYSAUTH;



Indicates that system authentication only is required, see also the remarks of the return values of C function tpchkauth in Tuxedo ATMI C Function Reference


AppContext.TPAPPAUTH Field

Indicates that both system and application specific authentication are required.

public const int TPAPPAUTH;



Indicates that both system and application specific authentication are required. see also the remarks of the return values of C function tpchkauth in Tuxedo ATMI C Function Reference


AppContext.tpinit Method

Joins an application.

public static AppContext tpinit(

TypedTPINIT tpinfo




This is a factory method used to create an instance of AppContext class and call ATMI C function tpinit for that instance. After successful return from this method, the application context created and kept in Tuxedo libraries is associated with the instance of AppContext class created and returned by this method. Whenever any instance method of AppContext is called for an AppContext instance (for example, ac.tpcall(,´) ), the instance method will automatically check the identicalness of the context associated with the AppContext instance and the context current running thread is using. If two contexts are not same, the instance method will automatically call ATMI C function tpsetctxt on the AppContext instance for current running thread first and then make the real ATMI C function call. This guarantees that the instance method always work on the right context as we expect it to do, so users do not have to call tpgetctxt and tpsetctxt explicitly for themselves any more.

TypedTPINIT is class which is a mapping to ATMI C structure TPINIT.

This method should be called before any instance method of AppContext class is called.


AppContext.tpchkauth Method

Returns the authentication level required to join the application.

public static int tpchkauth();



This is a direct mapping to ATMI C function tpchkauth.


AppContext.tpenvelope Method

Accesses the digital signature and encryption information associated with a typed message buffer.

public static void tpenvelope(

TypedBuffer tb,

int occurrence,

out TPKEY outputkey,

out long status,

out string timestamp,

long flags




Due to the difference between C# and C, some arguments of this method differ from its counterpart in ATMI C functions. The first argument char* data and the second argument long len of ATMI C function tpenvelope combines to form a new argument TypedBuffer tb, the first argument of AppContext.epenvelope. The arguments outputkey, status and timestamp must be assigned an effective variable respectively and can not be set to null.


AppContext.tpkey_open Method

Opens a key handle for digital signature generation, message encryption, or message decryption.

public static TPKEY tpkey_open(

string principal_name,

string location,

string identity_proof,

long flags


public static TPKEY tpkey_open(

string principal_name,

string location,

byte[] identity_proof,

long flags





AppContext.tpkey_close Method

Closes a previously opened key handle..

public static void tpkey_close(






AppContext.tpkey_getinfo Method

Gets information associated with a key handle.

public static void tpkey_getinfo(

TPKEY key,

string attr_name,

byte[] value,

ref long value_len





AppContext.tpkey_setinfo Method

Sets optional attribute parameters associated with a key handle.

public static void tpkey_setinfo(

TPKEY key,

string attr_name,

byte[] value





AppContext.tpseal Method

Marks a typed message buffer for encryption.

public static void tpseal(

TypedBuffer data,






AppContext.tpsign Method

Marks a typed message buffer for digital signature.

public static void tpsign(

TypedBuffer data,






AppContext.ToString Method

Converts the value of this instance to a String.

public override string ToString();




Return value

The string represents the instance.


AppContext.tpterm Method

Leaves an application.

public void tpterm();



This should be the last instance method call on an instance of AppContext. After this method returns, the instance ends its life and should be garbage collected, any instance method call on it will result in a TPESWITCHCTXTException.

Return value

Upon successful completion, AppContext.tpacall() returns with no value.

Upon failure, AppContext.tpacall() throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpacall Method

Method for sending a service request.

public AsyncCallDescriptor tpacall(

string svc,

TypedBuffer tb,

long flags




The second argument char* data and the third argument long len of the ATMI C function tpacall combine to the second argument TypedBuffer tb of this method. Users may pass the size of the data to this method by setting the property tb.Datalen to the desired value before calling this method.

The returned value is an instance of AsyncCallDescriptor class that can be used to receive the reply of the request sent by AppContext.tpgetrply

Return value

Upon successful completion, AppContext.tpacall() returns an instance of AsyncCallDescriptor class that can be used to receive the reply of the request sent.

Upon failure, AppContext.tpacall() throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpgetrply Method

Method for getting a reply from a previous request.

public void tpgetrply(

ref AsyncCallDescriptor acd,

ref TypedBuffer tb,

long flags




The second argument char** data and the third argument long* len of the ATMI C function tpgetrply combine to the second argument ref TypedBuffer tb of this method.

Return value

Upon successful return from AppContext.tpgetrply() or upon return where an exception of TPESVCFAILException is thrown, TPException.tpurcode() can be called to get an application defined value that was sent as part of tpreturn().

Upon failure, AppContext.tpgetrply() throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpcancel Method

Method for canceling a call descriptor for outstanding reply.

public void tpcancel(

AsyncCallDescriptor acd





Return value

Upon successful completion, AppContext.tpacancel() returns with no value.

Upon failure, AppContext.tpcancel() throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpadmcall Method

Administers unbooted application.

public void tpadmcall(

TypedFML32 inbuf,

ref TypedFML32 outbuf





Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns with no value.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpbroadcast Method

Method to broadcast notification by name.

public void tpbroadcast(

string lmid,

string usrname,

string cltname,

TypedBuffer tb,

long flags





Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns with no value.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.

AppContext.tpnotify Method

Method to send notification to a specific client.

public void tpnotify(


TypedBuffer tb,

long flags





Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns with no value.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.

AppContext.tpcall Method

Method for sending service request and awaiting its reply.

public void tpcall(

string svc,

TypedBuffer idata,

ref TypedBuffer odata,

long flags





Return value

Upon successful return from this method or upon return where an exception of TPESVCFAILException is thrown, TPException.tpurcode() can be called to get an application defined value that was sent as part of tpreturn().

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpsetunsol Method

Sets the method for handling unsolicited messages.

public UnsolicitedMessageHandler tpsetunsol(

UnsolicitedMessageHandler umhdl





Return value

Upon success, this method returns the previous setting for the unsolicited message handling method. (null is a successful return indicating that no message handling method had been set previously.)

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpchkunsol Method

Method for checking for unsolicited message.

public int tpchkunsol();




Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns the number of unsolicited messages dispatched;

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpconnect Method

Method for establishing a conversational service connection.

public ConversationDescriptor tpconnect(

string svc,

TypedBuffer tb,

long flags





Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns an instance of ConversationDescriptor class that is used to refer to the connection in subsequent calls.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpdiscon Method

Method for taking down a conversational service connection.

public void tpdiscon(

ConversationDescriptor cd





Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns with no value.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tprecv Method

Method for receiving a message in a conversational connection.

public void tprecv(

ConversationDescriptor cd,

ref TypedBuffer tb,

long flags





Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns with no value.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates. If the thrown exception is an instance of  TPEEVENTException and its property Event is set to the value TPEEVENTException.TPEV_SVCSUCC or TPEEVENTException.TPEV_SVCFAIL, TPExcetption.tpurcode() can be used to get an application defined value that was sent as part of tpreturn().


AppContext.tpsend Method

Method for sending a message in a conversational connection.

public void tpsend(

ConversationDescriptor cd,

TypedBuffer tb,

long flags





Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns with no value.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates. If the thrown exception is an instance of  TPEEVENTException and its property Event is set to the value TPEEVENTException.TPEV_SVCSUCC or TPEEVENTException.TPEV_SVCFAIL, TPExcetption.tpurcode() can be used to get an application defined value that was sent as part of tpreturn().


AppContext.tpenqueue Method

Method to enqueue a message.

public void tpenqueue(

string qspace,

string qname,


TypedBuffer tb,

long flags





Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns with no value.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpdequeue Method

Method to dequeue a message from a queue.

public void tpdequeue(

string qspace,

string qname,


ref TypedBuffer tb,

long flags





Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns with no value.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tppost Method

Posts an event.

public void tppost(

string eventname,

TypedBuffer tb,

long flags





Return value

Upon successful return from this method, TPException.tpurcode() can be called to get the number of event notifications dispatched by the EventBroker on behalf of eventname (that is, postings for those subscriptions whose event expression evaluated successfully against eventname and whose filter rule evaluated successfully against data).

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates. On condition that the thrown exception is an instance of TPESVCFAILException, TPException.tpurcode() can be called to get the number of non-transactional event notifications dispatched by the EventBroker on behalf of eventname.


AppContext.tpsubscribe Method

Subscribes to an event.

public SubscriptionHandle tpsubscribe(

string eventexpr,

string filter,


long flags





Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns an instance of SubscriptionHandle class that can be used to remove this subscription from the EventBroker's list of active subscriptions. The subscriber or any other process is allowed to use the returned handle to delete this subscription.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpunsubscribe Method

Unsubscribes to an event.

public void tpunsubscribe(

SubscriptionHandle handle,

long flags





Return value

Upon completion of this method, TPException.tpurcode() can be called to get the number of subscriptions deleted (zero or greater) from the EventBroker's list of active subscriptions. TPException.tpurcode() may contain a number greater than 1 only when the instance of SubscriptionHandle constructed from wildcard handle, -1, is used. Also, TPException.tpurcode() may contain a number greater than 0 even when this method completes unsuccessfully (that is, when the wildcard handle is used, the EventBroker may have successfully removed some subscriptions before it encountered an error deleting others).

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpexport Method

Converts a typed message buffer into an exportable, machine-independent string representation, that includes digital signatures and encryption seals.

public void tpexport(

TypedBuffer itb,

out string ostr,

ref long olen


public void tpexport(

TypedBuffer itb,

out byte[] obin,

ref long olen




There are two overloaded methods of AppContext.tpexport. The first is equivalent to the invocation that ATMI C function tpexport is called with TPEX_STRING bit being set to its argument flags and the second is equivalent to the invocation that tpexport is called with TPEX_STRING bit being cleared from its argument flags.

These two methods are responsible for allocating the storage space for the returned data, so no storage space have to be allocated for ostr and obin before these method are called.

On input, olen needs to be set to indicate the maximum mount of data that these two methods can returned; On output, olen is set to the actual size of data returned in argument ostr or obin.

Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns with no value.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpimport Method

Converts an externalized representation of a message buffer into a typed message buffer.

public void tpimport(

string istr,

ref TypedBuffer otb


public void tpimport(

byte[] ibin,

ref TypedBuffer otb




There are two overloaded methods of AppContext.tpimport. The first is equivalent to the invocation that ATMI C function tpimport is called with TPEX_STRING bit being set to its argument flags and the second is equivalent to the invocation that tpimport is called with TPEX_STRING bit being cleared from its argument flags.

otb must point to a valid typed buffer either (1) previously allocated by calling new Typed*** (Typed*** represents any existing derived class of TypedBuffer, TypedView and TypedView32 except TypedView and TypedView32 themselves (2) delivered by the system to a receiving thread. The buffer will be reallocated as necessary tp accommodate the result, and its buffer type or subtype may change. The propertys otb.Size and otb.Datalen are set to the amount of valid data contained in the output buffer.

Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns with no value.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpgprio Method

Method for getting a service request priority.

public int tpgprio();




Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns a request¨s priority.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext.tpsprio Method

Method for setting service request priority.

public void tpsprio(

int prio,

long flags





Return value

Upon successful completion, this method returns with no value.

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.


AppContext Constructor Method

Initializes a new instance of the AppContext class

protected AppContext(

TypedTPINIT tpinfo




This method calls ATMI C function tpinit and tpgetctxt in turn to associate the application context created and kept in Tuxedo libraries with the new instance of AppContext class. Creating new instance of AppContext class through new AppContext() is prohibited by C# compiler due to the protected modifier of this method. Calling AppContext.tpinit() is the only way to create new instance for AppContext class.

Return value

Upon failure, this method throws an exception which type depends on the error code that ATMI C variable tperrno indicates.