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JMSExceptions Subsystem Messages

The JMSExceptions1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA45000 - BEA50000. Messages in this catalog are part of the weblogic.jms Internationalization package and the weblogic.i18n Localization package.


Warning: The foreign JMS server MBean "mBeanName" has already been deployed.


The specified MBean has been deployed more than once, and it will not be deployed again.


This is an internal error.


Undeploy and re-reploy the MBean that caused the error. If this does not solve the problem, restart the server.


Error: Error occurred while binding the remote JNDI object to the local JNDI name "localName".


An error occurred while binding an object from a foreign JNDI provider, such as a foreign JMS server, into the local JNDI tree.


The local JNDI name you are attempting to bind to may not be valid.


Check the name to see if its syntax is correct.


Error: Error occurred while unbinding a remote JNDI object from local JNDI name "localName"


An error occurred while removing an object from the local JNDI tree.


There may be an error in the JNDI subsystem.


Check the nested exception message for more detail.


Error: The JNDI object used to perform foreign lookup is not a reference.


The server attempted to perform a lookup of an object from a foreign JNDI provider, such as a foreign JMS server, and the object it found internally cannot be used to perform the remote lookup.


This is an internal error.


If the lookup continually fails, restart the server.


Error: The configuration MBean "mBeanName" cannot be found, or it is of the wrong type.


A configuration MBean, such as a ForeignJMSServer, ForeignJMSDestination, or ForeignJMSConnectionFactory MBean, cannot be found, and a JNDI lookup cannot proceed.


There may be something wrong with the name of the MBean.


Un-deploy and re-deploy the MBean. If this does not fix the problem, restart the server.


Error: A lookup of the foreign JNDI object "name" failed.


The server was unable to complete the lookup of the specified JNDI object from a foreign JNDI server, such as a foreign JMS server.


The foreign server may not be responding, or there may be a problem with the configuration parameters for the ForeignJMSServer MBean.


Make sure the foreign JNDI provider is working, and check the configuration parameters for the ForeignJMSServer MBean.


Error: Unable to deploy JMS module: uriName from appName.


Unable to deploy JMS module: uriName from appName.


Invalid configuration of the JMS resource in the JMS module descriptor.


Fix the entity JMS resource configuration/conflict.


Error: Error occurred while binding the imported destination to the local JNDI name "localName".


An error occurred while binding an imported destination into the local JNDI tree.


The local JNDI name you are attempting to bind to may not be valid.


Check the name to see if its syntax is correct.


Error: Error occurred while unbinding an improted destination from local JNDI name "localName"


An error occurred while removing an imported destination from the local JNDI tree.


There may be an error in the JNDI subsystem.


Check the nested exception message for more detail.


Warning: The messages threshold for the JMS server serverName has been exceeded for more than one hour


The messages threshold on a JMS server has been exceeded. This message is only generated when the "health state" of a JMS server is queried.


The threshold was exceeded


Verify that messages are being consumed and sufficient memory is available


Warning: The messages threshold for the JMS server serverName has been exceeded for more than 90 percent of the running time of the server


The messages threshold on a JMS server has been exceeded. This message is only generated when the "health state" of a JMS server is queried.


The threshold was exceeded


Verify that messages are being consumed and sufficient memory is available


Warning: The bytes threshold for the JMS server serverName has been exceeded for more than one hour


The bytes threshold on a JMS server has been exceeded. This message is only generated when the "health state" of a JMS server is queried.


The threshold was exceeded


Verify that messages are being consumed and sufficient memory is available


Warning: The bytes threshold for the JMS server serverName has been exceeded for more than 90 percent of the running time of the server


The bytes threshold on a JMS server has been exceeded. This message is only generated when the "health state" of a JMS server is queried.


The threshold was exceeded


Verify that messages are being consumed and sufficient memory is available


Error: While attempting to create destination destName in module modName the JMSServer of name beName could not be found.


While attempting to create a destination the JMSServer where the destination was targeted is not available.


The JMSServer may be shutting down, or may not have come up all the way.


Deploy the module again once the JMSServer has come all the way up.


Error: An attempt was made to find the deployment named depName in module modName. However, that deployment could not be found in the runtime tree.


The JSR-88 module named modName was trying to find the application deployment named depName in the domain runtime tree. However, the deployment could not be found.


The runtime tree may be corrupted.


Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support


Error: The application context passed into the module modName had neither a JMSSystemResource nor an ApplicationDeployment.


The module modName is attempting to find its own deployment. However, the application context passed contains neither a JMSSystemResource reference nor an Application Deployment reference.


The application context may be corrupted.


Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support


Error: An attempt was made to find the JMSSystemResource named resName in module modName. However, that deployment could not be found in the runtime tree.


The system resource module named modName was trying to find the resource named resName in the domain runtime tree. However, the resource could not be found.


The runtime tree may be corrupted.


Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support


Warning: The file fileName either did not exist or could not be read in module modName


The given file name could not be found.


The given file name does not exist or is not readable.


Create a new JMS Module file and put it in the location specified. If one already exists there, make sure it is readable by the JVM.


Warning: An error was encountered while parsing JMS module fileName in module modName


While attempting to parse file fileName in module modName an IOException was encountered.


See the linked for more information on why this occurred.


See the linked IOException to determine an appropriate course of action.


Warning: An error was encountered while closing JMS module file fileName in module modName


While attempting to close file fileName in module modName an IOException was encountered.


See the linked for more information on why this occurred.


See the linked IOException to determine an appropriate course of action.


Warning: An attempt was made to add a JMS entity of an unknown type type in module modName


An entity of the given type type was added to a JMS module modName. This type is unknown.


The JMS module given to the update is invalid. It contains an unknown type.


Ensure the JMS module is valid.


Warning: While attempting to add a type of name name in module modName an error was encountered.


An error occurred while attempting to add a JMS resource of type type. The name of the resource was name.


A linked ModuleException will contain more detail about the cause of the failure.


Examine the linked exception, which will contain more information about the cause of this failure.


Warning: An attempt was made to remove a JMS entity of an unknown type type in module modName


An entity of the given type type was removed from a JMS module modName. This type is unknown.


The JMS module given to the update is invalid. It contains an unknown type.


Ensure the JMS module is valid.


Warning: An error occurred while adding name to JMS module modName


The JMS module modName encountered an error while adding JMS entity named name.


See the linked exception for more detail.


The linked exception will contain more information about why this add operation failed.


Warning: An error occurred while removing name from JMS module modName


The JMS module modName encountered an error while removing JMS entity named name.


See the linked exception for more detail.


The linked exception will contain more information about why this add operation failed.


Error: The parent of SubDeployment name in module modName is not an understood class. The parent has class cName.


A SubDeployment was added to a BasicDeploymentMBean. However, the parent of the SubDeployment was not a BasicDeploymentMBean.


The added SubDeployment is corrupted.


Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support.


Error: A SubDeployment named name was not found in module modName


An attempt was made to remove a SubDeployment named name in module modName. However, this SubDeployment is unknown to the module.


A SubDeployment removal was attempted, but the SubDeployment was unknown to the module.


Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support.


Error: The parent of SubDeployment name in module modName is not an understood class. The parent has class cName.


A SubDeployment was added to a BasicDeploymentMBean. However, the parent of the SubDeployment was not a BasicDeploymentMBean.


The added SubDeployment is corrupted.


Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support.


Error: The SubDeploymentMBean subDeploymentName in deployment name can only be targeted to one JMSServerMBean because an entity that can only be targeted to a single JMS server (for example a queue, topic or quota) has a sub-deployment-name element with value subDeploymentName


The SubDeploymentMBean subDeploymentName in deployment name can only be targeted to one JMSServerMBean because an entity that can only be targeted to a single JMS server (for example a queue, topic or quota) has a sub-deployment-name element with value subDeploymentName


The SubDeploymentMBean of the given name cannot be targeted to anything but a single JMSServer because an element of the JMS module that points to that sub-deployment can only be targeted to a single JMSServer.


Modify the target of the SubDeployment so that it only contains a single JMS server.


Error: The JMSServer named beName has a temporary template configured. The JMSSystemResourceMBean name of the module containing the temporary template is modName, and the template name is templateName. However, a JMSSystemResourceMBean of name modName could not be found. The JMS Server beName will not boot until this problem has been fixed.


The JMSServer named beName has a temporary template configured. The JMSSystemResourceMBean name of the module containing the temporary template is modName, and the template name is templateName. However, a JMSSystemResourceMBean of name modName could not be found. The JMS Server beName will not boot until this problem has been fixed.


The temporary template for a JMS server must come from a JMSSystemResourceMBean. A common mistake is to put the temporary template into an AppDeployment. However, because the temporary template must be owned by the administrator, all temporary templates must come from JMSSystemResourceMBeans, not AppDeployments.


Put the temporary template into a JMSSystemResource.


Warning: JMSServer beName does not have a configured temporary template. However an attempt was made to create a temporary destination. This is not allowed.


An attempt was made to create a temporary destination with JMS Server beName. No temporary template was configured for this JMSServer, and hence no temporary destinations can be created here.


A JMSServer without a configured temporary template was used to create a temporary destination. This usage is not allowed.


Create a JMSSystemResource that contains a template. Use that template as the temporary template for this JMSServer.


Error: A destination of name conflicting has a jms-create-destination-identifier of name id. However, another destination of name original has the same jms-create-destination-identifier. Two destinations with the same jms-create-destination-identifier cannot be co-located on the JMSServer named beName.


A destination of name conflicting has a jms-create-destination-identifier of name id. However, another destination of name original has the same jms-create-destination-identifier. Two destinations with the same jms-create-destination-identifier cannot be co-located on the JMSServer named beName.


Two destinations cannot both have the same jms-create-destination-identifier on the same JMSServer, even if the two destinations are from different modules.


Either deploy the destination with the offending jms-create-destination-identifier to a different JMSServer, or change the value of the jms-create-destination-identifier attribute.


Error: Two destinations with name destName were deployed to JMSServer beName.


Two destinations with name destName were deployed to JMSServer beName.


Two destinations with the same fully qualified name cannot be deployed to the same JMS Server. This error should have been caught during the validation phase of the JMS module.


Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support.


Error: An attempt was made to change the target of a JMS entity that cannot have its target changed. The entity has name "entityName". The original target has name "oldTarget". The proposed target has name "newTarget"


We do not allow entities such as Quotas, Queues or Topics to have their target changed dynamically. It is unclear what to do with any persistent state maintained by these entities.


An attempt was made to change the target of an entity that cannot have its target changed dynamically.


One thing that can be done is to untarget a sub-deployment and then retarget that sub-deployment elsewhere. It should be made clear that by doing that the persistent state maintained for entities retargeted in this fashion will *not* be kept on the old target, and may or may not be removed by the system.


Error: All members of a JMS Distributed Destination name must exist and be in the same cluster. The problematic member is memberName.


All members of a JMS Distributed Destination name must exist and be in the same cluster. The problematic member is memberName.


Configuration error.


Ensure that all the Distributed Destination members belong to the same cluster and redeploy the module.


Error: Cannot dynamically add member memberName to Distributed Destination $ddName.


Cannot dynamically add member memberName to Distributed Destination $ddName.


Either this member is not prepared yet or got removed already.


Ensure that the Distributed Destination member is not removed and/or in prepared state.


Error: Cannot dynamically remove member memberName from Distributed Destination $ddName.


Cannot dynamically remove member memberName from Distributed Destination $ddName.


Either this member is not activated yet or it is an invalid member.


Ensure that the Distributed Destination member is a valid one and/or in activated state.


Error: Cannot prepare member memberName of Distributed Destination $ddName.


Cannot prepare member memberName of Distributed Destination $ddName.


Configuration error.


Ensure that the Distributed Destination member is not removed and/or in prepared state.


Error: Cannot unprepare member memberName of Distributed Destination $ddName.


Cannot unprepare member memberName of Distributed Destination $ddName.


Either this member is not prepared yet or it is an invalid member.


Ensure that the Distributed Destination member is a valid one and/or in prepared state.


Error: Cannot activate member memberName of Distributed Destination $ddName.


Cannot activate member memberName of Distributed Destination $ddName.


Either this member is not in prepared state or it got removed already.


Ensure that the Distributed Destination member is not removed and/or in prepared state.


Error: Cannot deactivate member memberName of Distributed Destination $ddName.


Cannot deactivate member memberName of Distributed Destination $ddName.


Either this member is not activated yet or it is an invalid member.


Ensure that the Distributed Destination member is a valid one and/or in activated state.


Error: The JMS module named "modName" is neither an AppDeployment nor a JMSSystemResource


The JMS module named "modName" is neither an AppDeployment nor a JMSSystemResource


An invalid application context was passed to a JMS module


Contact BEA Inc. Systems customer support


Error: An attempt was made to create a durable subscription on a queue named "name". The client identifier is "ClientId", the subscriptionName is "subName" and the selector is "sel". Durable subscriptions may only be created on topics.


An attempt was made to create a durable subscription on a queue named "name". The client identifier is "ClientId", the subscriptionName is "subName" and the selector is "sel". Durable subscriptions may only be created on topics.


An attempt was made to create a durable subscription on a queue.


Do not attempt to create a durable subscription on a queue.


Error: There can be no more than one jms-interop-module element in config.xml


An attempt was made to boot a domain with more than one jms-interop-module defined. There can be no more than one JMS interop module in a domain.


More than one jms-interop-module element was found in config.xml


Do not attempt to define more than one jms-interop-module element in config.xml


Error: The jms-interop-module must have name interop-jms and descriptor file name jms/interop-jms.xml. It has name "name".


The jms-interop-module element in config.xml must have the name interop-jms. No other name is allowed.


An attempt was made to use a jms-interop-module with a name other than interop-jms.


Do not attempt to define a jms-interop-module element in config.xml with a name other than interop-jms.


Error: The target named "target" of a JMS module inside a deployment named "moduleName" must be a WLS server or a cluster. Instead, it is of type "type". If this was deployed from inside a J2EE application (an EAR file) the syntax for this (when using a deployment tool such as weblogic.Deployer or weblogic.WLST) is "sub-deployment-name + @ + ear-module-name + @ + target ". In this case sub-deployment-name is the name of the sub-deployment from the JMS module. The ear-module-name is the name of the JMS module found in the weblogic-application.xml file in the META-INF directory of the application. The target is the place where elements that have the given sub-deployment-name should be targeted. For example, if your JMS module has queue with a sub-deployment-name of "GroupA", and the name of the JMS module in the weblogic-application.xml file is "FirstJMSModule" and you wish that queue to be targeted to a JMS Server named "JServer" then the proper syntax when deploying this module through weblogic.Deployer or weblogic.WLST would be "GroupA@FirstJMSModule@JServer".


All the targets of a JMS module must be either of type ServerMBean or ClusterMBean. The target of this module is not one of those types. If this was deployed from inside a J2EE application (an EAR file) the syntax for this (when using a deployment tool such as weblogic.Deployer or weblogic.WLST) is sub-deployment-name + "@" + ear-module-name + "@;" + target. In this case sub-deployment-name is the name of the sub-deployment from the JMS module itself, the ear-module-name is the name of the JMS module found in the weblogic-application.xml file in the META-INF directory of the application and the target is the place where elements that have the given sub-deployment-name should be targeted. For example, if your JMS module has queue with a sub-deployment-name of "GroupA", and the name of the JMS module in the weblogic-application.xml file is "FirstJMSModule" and you wish that queue to be targeted to a JMS Server named "JServer" then the proper syntax when deploying this module through weblogic.Deployer or weblogic.WLST would be "GroupA@FirstJMSModule@JServer".


An attempt was made to target a JMS module to an invalid type of target.


Do not attempt to target a JMS module to anything other than WLS servers or clusters. Any other type of target is not understood.


Error: A JMS module with fully qualified name "fullName" in an application named "moduleName" does not have the proper hierarchy of targets. In particular the subdeployment of name "subDeploymentName" has a target "subTarget" that is not a sub-target of any of the targets of "moduleName". For example, target "subTarget" is not a sub-target of "superTarget".


All the targets of the sub-deployment of a JMS module must be contained within the targets of the whole module.


A target of a sub-deployment of a JMS module is not contained within the targets of the whole JMS module.


Either make sure that your JMS module is targeted to a super-set of all the targets of the sub-deployment or retarget the sub-deployment within the set of targets for the JMS module.


Error: The target named "target" of a JMS sub-deployment named "subName" inside a deployment named "moduleName" must be a JMS server, WLS server or a cluster. Instead, it is of type type.


All the targets of a JMS sub-deployment must be either of type JMSServerMBean, ServerMBean or ClusterMBean. The target of this sub-deployment is not one of those types.


An attempt was made to target a JMS sub-deployment to an invalid type of target.


Do not attempt to target a JMS sub-deployment to anything other than JMS servers, WLS servers or clusters. Any other type of target is not understood.


Error: The field "destination-name" was set to "queueName" in distributed destination member "dqmName" in distributed destination "dqName" in module "moduleName". The destination-name field of a distributed destination may only be set in the interop module.


The destination-name field of a distributed destination member may only be set in the interop module. In all other modules this name may not be explicitly set, and will always take the default value that equals the name of the distributed-destination-member itself.


An attempt was made to set the destination-name field of a distributed-destination-member type. This is only allowed in the interop module, in order to accommodate older clients.


Change the name of the distributed-destination-member to the name of the physical queue or topic being referenced, and unset the destination-name field.


Error: The physical destination named "queueName" in distributed destination member "dqmName" in distributed destination "dqName" in module "moduleName" does not exist.


The destination refereed to by the distributed destination member field must exist.


An attempt was made to reference a destination that does not exist by a distributed destination member. The physical destination refereed to by a distributed destination must already exist.


Create the physical destination before referring to it, or create the physical destination in the same edit session as the creation of the distributed destination member.


Error: The JMS module entity named "entityName" of type "entityType" does not exist in JMSSystemResource "resourceName".


The JMS module entity refereed by the JMSModuleHelper API must exist in the specified JMSSystemResource.


An attempt was made to reference a JMS module entity that does not exist in the specified JMSSytemResource.


Create the JMS module entity in the specified JMSSystemResource before referring to it.


Error: The configuration entity named "entityName" of type "entityType" does not exist in domain "domainName".


The configuration entity refereed by the JMSModuleHelper API must exist in the specified domain.


An attempt was made to reference a configuration entity that does not exist in the specified domain.


Create the configuration entity in the specified domain before referring to it.


Error: The JMS module entity named "entityName" of type "entityType" cannot be created in JMSSystemResource "resourceName".


The JMS module entity creation using JMSModuleHelper API failed, see the accompanying exception for details.


The JMS module entity creation using JMSModuleHelper API failed, see the accompanying exception for details.


Resolve problem identified by the accompanying exception and retry the operation.


Error: The configuration entity named "entityName" of type "entityType" cannot be created in domain "domainName".


The configuration entity creation using JMSModuleHelper API failed, see the accompanying exception for details.


The configuration entity creation using JMSModuleHelper API failed, see the accompanying exception for details.


Resolve problem identified by the accompanying exception and retry the operation.


Error: The JMS module entity named "entityName" of type "entityType" cannot be deleted from JMSSystemResource "resourceName".


The JMS module entity deletion using JMSModuleHelper API failed, see the accompanying exception for details.


The JMS module entity deletion using JMSModuleHelper API failed, see the accompanying exception for details.


Resolve problem identified by the accompanying exception and retry the operation.


Error: The configuration entity named "entityName" of type "entityType" cannot be deleted from domain "domainName".


The configuration entity deletion using JMSModuleHelper API failed, see the accompanying exception for details.


The configuration entity deletion using JMSModuleHelper API failed, see the accompanying exception for details.


Resolve problem identified by the accompanying exception and retry the operation.


Error: The JMS module managed entity named "entityName" of type "entityType" cannot be found in JMSSytemResource "resourceName" for modification.


The JMS module entity modification using JMSModuleHelper API failed, see the accompanying exception for details.


The JMS module entity modification using JMSModuleHelper API failed, see the accompanying exception for details.


Resolve problem identified by the accompanying exception and retry the operation.


Error: An attempt was made to find and modify a JMS module entity of of name "entityName" of type "entityType" from JMSSystemResource "resourceName" using a null modifier.


JMSEntityModifier argument for the findAndModifyEntity() helper API cannot be null.


JMSEntityModifier argument for the findAndModifyEntity() helper API cannot be null.


Use a valid weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSEntityModifer implementation as the modifier argument.


Error: The destination named "dest" on JMS Server "jmsServer" would have caused the JMS Server to not boot because the destination hasStore value is true but the JMS Server does not have a store.


The destination named "dest" on JMS Server "jmsServer" would have caused the JMS Server to not boot because the destination StoreEnabled value is true but the JMS Server does not have a store.


This configuration could not have worked in older releases because of the mismatch between the destinations StoreEnabled value is true but the JMS Server does not have a store.


Modify the configuration to remove this discrepency, and re-run the upgrade process. You can either add a store to the JMS Server or you can change the value of the StoreEnabled parameter on the destination.


Error: The destination named "dest" on JMS Server "jmsServer" has a DeliveryParamsOverrides.DeliveryMode parameter set to Persistent but the JMS Server does not have a store.


The destination named "dest" on JMS Server "jmsServer" has a DeliveryParamsOverrides.DeliveryMode parameter set to Persistent but the JMS Server does not have a store.


Messages cannot be made persistent on this JMS Server because it does not have a store.


Modify the configuration to remove this discrepency, and re-run the upgrade process. You can either add a store to the JMS Server or you can change the value of the DeliveryParamsOverrides.DeliveryMode parameter.


Error: An attempt was made to send a persistent message to destination "destName" hosted on JMS Server "jmsServer". This JMS server does not have a store, so the quality of service requested is not available.


An attempt was made to send a persistent message to destination "destName" hosted on JMS Server "jmsServer". This JMS server does not have a store, so the quality of service requested is not available.


An attempt was made to send a persistent message to a destination hosted by a JMS Server that does not have a store. Since the message cannot be persisted this message cannot be sent at the required quality of service.


There is a parameter on the JMS Server called "AllowsPersistentDowngrade". If this parameter is set to true then persistent messages sent to this JMS Server will be downgraded to non-persistent.


Error: The flow steps value steps is larger than the flow interval value interval in connection factory "facName". The flow steps value must be less than or equal to the flow interval value.


The flow steps value steps is larger than the flow interval value interval in connection factory "facName". The flow steps value must be less than or equal to the flow interval value.


This is an invalid configuration. The flow steps value must be less than the entire flow interval.


Modify the configuration of the connection factory to have the flow steps value to be less than or equal to the flow interval.


Error: The SessionsMaximum attribute of a JMSSessionPoolMBean has the bad value maxValue. The value should be -1 or a positive integer.


The SessionsMaximum attribute of a JMSSessionPoolMBean has the bad value maxValue. The value should be -1 or a positive integer.


This is an invalid configuration.


Modify the configuration of the JMSSessionPoolMBean.


Error: An unexpected naming exception occurred while binding destination "destName" to JNDI name "jndiName"


An unexpected naming exception occurred while binding destination "destName" to JNDI name "jndiName". This naming exception was not NameAlreadyBoundException.


The naming exception should contain more information about why this operation failed.


See the naming exception attached to this exception. It should have more information about why this operation failed.


Error: An unexpected naming exception occurred while binding destination "destName" to JNDI name "jndiName" to the local JNDI context.


An unexpected naming exception occurred while binding destination "destName" to JNDI name "jndiName" to the local JNDI context. This naming exception was not NameAlreadyBoundException.


The naming exception should contain more information about why this operation failed.


See the naming exception attached to this exception. It should have more information about why this operation failed.


Error: An unexpected naming exception occurred while binding destination "destName" to JNDI name "jndiName" to the application JNDI context.


An unexpected naming exception occurred while binding destination "destName" to JNDI name "jndiName" to the application JNDI context. This naming exception was not NameAlreadyBoundException.


The naming exception should contain more information about why this operation failed.


See the naming exception attached to this exception. It should have more information about why this operation failed.


Warning: Could not find a license for JMS. Please contact BEA to get a license.


Could not find a license for JMS. Please contact BEA to get a license.


Unable to get license for JMS.


Contact BEA to get a license.


Error: The jms-system-resource cannot have name interop-jms.


The jms-system-resource element in config.xml cannot have the name interop-jms.


An attempt was made to define a jms-system-resource with name interop-jms.


Do not attempt to define a jms-system-resource element in config.xml with name interop-jms.


Error: The JMS deployment "name" has descriptor file name "descriptorName" which is reserved for internal use only.


The file name interop-jms.xml is reserved for internal use only. JMS deployments are not allowed use this descriptor file name.


An attempt was made to define a JMS deployment with the reserved file name "interop-jms.xml". This name is reserved by the system for use as the interop module.


Do not attempt to define a JMS deployment with the reserved name "interop-jms.xml" as its file name.


Error: The JMS module descriptor file "descriptorName" used by the jms-system-resource "name" is illegal. Either the descriptor file name does not end with "-jms.xml" or the descriptor is being used by another jms-system-resource in the configuration.


The descriptor file name of a jms-system-resource should end with -jms.xml and cannot be shared by more than one jms-system-resource.


An attempt was made to define a jms-system-resource with the illegal descriptor file name.


Do not attempt to define a jms-system-resource element in config.xml with the illegal descriptor file name.


Error: SAF error destination edName of ehName is targeted to a different sub-deployment from beanName.


The error destination of a SAF imported destinations, a SAF queue, or a SAF topic has to be deployed to the same sub-deployment as the bean that refers to it.


Wrong configuration.


Correct the deployment descriptor.


Error: The error handling ehName configured for beanName does not exist in the module.


A SAF imported destinations, SAF queue or SAF topic has an error handling name configured, but there is no such error handling found in the module.


Wrong configuration.


Correct the deployment descriptor.


Error: One of the target ("targetName") of SubDeployment "subName" for Imported Destinations "beanName" is not a legal target type.


A target of a SAF Agent can only be a SAF agent, a Server or a Cluster.


Wrong configuration.


Correct the configuration.


Error: Imported Destinations "beanName": its SubDeployment is targeted to a target ("targetName"), which is a Receiving-only SAF agent.


A sub deployment that an imported destinations is targeted to cannot be targeted to a Receiving-only SAF agent.


Wrong configuration.


Correct the configuration.


Error: A Uniform Distributed Queue named "name" was found in the JMS interop module. Uniform Distributed Queues were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WLS, and hence cannot be in the JMS interop module. Please create another JMS module and put your Uniform Distributed Queue in that module.


A Uniform Distributed Queue named "name" was found in the JMS interop module. Uniform Distributed Queues were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WLS, and hence cannot be in the JMS interop module. Please create another JMS module and put your Uniform Distributed Queue in that module.


An invalid entity type was found in the JMS module that handles interoperating clients. This element should be placed into a different JMS module.


Place the entity into another JMS module and either deploy that module as a system resource or as a deployable resource.


Error: A Uniform Distributed Topic named "name" was found in the JMS interop module. Uniform Distributed Topics were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WLS, and hence cannot be in the JMS interop module. Please create another JMS module and put your Uniform Distributed Topic in that module.


A Uniform Distributed Topic named "name" was found in the JMS interop module. Uniform Distributed Topics were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WLS, and hence cannot be in the JMS interop module. Please create another JMS module and put your Uniform Distributed Topic in that module.


An invalid entity type was found in the JMS module that handles interoperating clients. This element should be placed into a different JMS module.


Place the entity into another JMS module and either deploy that module as a system resource or as a deployable resource.


Error: A SAF Imported Destinanations named "name" was found in the JMS interop module. SAF Imported Destinations were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WLS, and hence cannot be in the JMS interop module. Please create another JMS module and put your SAF Imported Destinations in that module.


A SAF Imported Destinanations named "name" was found in the JMS interop module. SAF Imported Destinations were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WLS, and hence cannot be in the JMS interop module. Please create another JMS module and put your SAF Imported Destinations in that module.


An invalid entity type was found in the JMS module that handles interoperating clients. This element should be placed into a different JMS module.


Place the entity into another JMS module and either deploy that module as a system resource or as a deployable resource.


Error: A SAF Remote Context named "name" was found in the JMS interop module. SAF Remote Contexts were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WLS, and hence cannot be in the JMS interop module. Please create another JMS module and put your SAF Remote Context in that module.


A SAF Remote Context named "name" was found in the JMS interop module. SAF Remote Contexts were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WLS, and hence cannot be in the JMS interop module. Please create another JMS module and put your SAF Remote Context in that module.


An invalid entity type was found in the JMS module that handles interoperating clients. This element should be placed into a different JMS module.


Place the entity into another JMS module and either deploy that module as a system resource or as a deployable resource.


Error: A SAF Error Handlings named "name" was found in the JMS interop module. SAF Error Handlings were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WLS, and hence cannot be in the JMS interop module. Please create another JMS module and put your SAF Error Handlings in that module.


A SAF Error Handlings named "name" was found in the JMS interop module. SAF Error Handlings were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WLS, and hence cannot be in the JMS interop module. Please create another JMS module and put your SAF Error Handlings in that module.


An invalid entity type was found in the JMS module that handles interoperating clients. This element should be placed into a different JMS module.


Place the entity into another JMS module and either deploy that module as a system resource or as a deployable resource.


Error: There is a JMS System Resource and an Application Deployment both named "name". The names of all JMS System Resources and all Application Deployments must be different.


There is a JMS System Resource and an Application Deployment both named "name". The names of all JMS System Resources and all Application Deployments must be different.


Both a JMS System Resource and an Application Deployment have the same name. This would cause similarly named resources in a JMS module descriptor file to have conflicting runtime names, and hence is not allowed.


Change the name of either the JMS System Resource or Application Deployment so that there is no name conflict.


Error: An attempt was made to create a temporary destination. However, no JMSServer in the cluster is able to host temporary destinations. Ensure that at least one of the JMSServers in your cluster has the HostingTemporaryDestinations parameter set to true (which is the default).


An attempt was made to create a temporary destination. However, no JMSServer in the cluster is able to host temporary destinations. Ensure that at least one of the JMSServers in your cluster has the HostingTemporaryDestinations parameter set to true (which is the default). Note that in releases prior to 9.0 the default for the ability to host temporary destinations was false, while in 9.0 and beyond the default for the ability to host temporary destinations is true.


None of the JMSServers in the cluster is available for hosting temporary destinations.


Modify the HostingTemporaryDestinations parameter on at least one JMSServer in the cluster. Note that in releases prior to 9.0 the default for the ability to host temporary destinations was false, while in 9.0 and beyond the default for the ability to host temporary destinations is true.


Error: The createQueue or createTopic call was made with a null or zero length destination name.


The createQueue or createTopic call was made with a null or zero length destination name.


The createQueue or createTopic call must be made with the name of a destination to find.


Do not pass null or a zero length string to createQueue or createTopic.


Error: The destination name passed to createTopic or createQueue "destName" is invalid. If the destination name does not contain a "/" character then it must be the name of a distributed destination that is available in the cluster to which the client is attached. If it does contain a "/" character then the string before the "/" must be the name of a JMSServer or a ".". The string after the "/" is the name of a the desired destination. If the "./" version of the string is used then any destination with the given name on the local WLS server will be returned.


The destination name passed to createTopic or createQueue "destName" is invalid. If the destination name does not contain a "/" character then it must be the name of a distributed destination that is available in the cluster to which the client is attached. If it does contain a "/" character then the string before the "/" must be the name of a JMSServer or a ".". The string after the "/" is the name of a the desired destination. If the "./" version of the string is used then any destination with the given name on the local WLS server will be returned.


Either a distributed destination of the given name does not exist in the cluster to which the client is attached or the destination name passed to createTopic or createQueue does not contain a "/" character, or there is nothing before the "/" character.


Make sure the distributed destination is available on the same cluster where the client is located or format the destination name string properly.


Error: A destination of name "destName" was not found on WLS server "wlsName".


A destination of name "destName" was not found on WLS server "wlsName".


An attempt was made to find a destination of a given name on a particular WLS server. No destination of that name could be found on that WLS server.


It is possible that the createTopic or createQueue call was routed to a WLS server that does not contain a destination with the given name. The set of WLS servers where this request can be routed can be controlled by using a connection factory that is only targeted to WLS servers that have destinations of the desired name.


Error: While trying to find a topic or a queue we could not find the specific JMSServer requested. The linked exception may contain more information about the reason for failure.


While trying to find a topic or a queue we could not find the specific JMSServer requested. The linked exception may contain more information about the reason for failure.


A specific JMSServer was requested by a call to createTopic or createQueue. However, the system could not locate the JMSServer of that name.


The WLS server on which that JMS server is targeted may be down. The JMS server may be suspended. Check on the status of the JMS server, and also on the status of the communication between the servers in the cluster. Check the linked exception for more information about the cause of this failure.


Error: While trying to find a topic or a queue we could not find the specific JMSServer requested.


While trying to find a topic or a queue we could not find the specific JMSServer requested.


A specific JMSServer was requested by a call to createTopic or createQueue. However, the system could not locate the JMSServer of that name.


Ensure the JMSServer requested exists in the configuration of the cluster to which the client is attached.


Error: While trying to find a topic or a queue we could not communicate with the specific JMSServer requested. The linked exception may contain more information about the reason for failure.


While trying to find a topic or a queue we could not communicate with the specific JMSServer requested. The linked exception may contain more information about the reason for failure.


A specific JMSServer was requested by a call to createTopic or createQueue. However, the system could not communicate with the JMSServer of that name.


The WLS server on which that JMS server is targeted may be down. The JMS server may be suspended. Check on the status of the JMS server, and also on the status of the communication between the servers in the cluster. Check the linked exception for more information about the cause of this failure.


Error: We found a destination of name "destName". However, the requested destination was of type "type", and the destination found was not of that type.


We found a destination of name "destName". However, the requested destination was of type "type", and the destination found was not of that type.


The user called createTopic but the destination found is a queue or the user called createQueue and the destination found is a topic.


Ensure that the destination name requested is of the correct type.


Error: A communication failure occurred while attempting to remove a durable subscription. The linked exception may contain more details about the cause of the failure.


A communication failure occurred while attempting to remove a durable subscription. The linked exception may contain more details about the cause of the failure.


While attempting to remove a durable subscription a communication failure occurred.


Check on the status of WLS server where the destination which the durable subscription refers to resides. Check the linked exception for more information about the cause of this failure.


Error: The JMS system does not understand request id id.


The JMS system does not understand request id id.


An invalid request id was presented to the front end manager.


If this condition persists contact your BEA Systems, Inc. technical support.


Error: We found a ForeignServer of name "foreignServerName" which do not have a connection URL specified. However, it contains a "foreignJNDIObjectType" of name "foreignJNDIObjectName" that has same local and remote JNDI name value "jndiName". This is an invalid configuration and not allowed.


We found a ForeignServer of name "foreignServerName" which do not have a connection URL specified. However, it contains a "foreignJNDIObjectType" of name "foreignJNDIObjectName" that has same local and remote JNDI name value "jndiName". This is an invalid configuration and not allowed.


The user has configured a ForeignServer without connection URL and has either a Foreign Connection Factory or Foreign Destination with both local and remote JNDI name matching. topic.


Ensure that either the Foreign Server has a connection URL to the foreign server or local and remote JNDI names are different.


Error: The JMS resource named "targetableName" has incorrect targeting information. This resource has both default-targeting-enabled attribute set to true and has a valid sub-deployment-name value specified.


A JMS resource cannot have both default targeting enabled and sub deployment name specified.


A JMS resource cannot have both default targeting enabled and sub deployment name specified.


Ensure that either default targeting enabled or only valid sub deployment name specified.


Error: The JMS resource named "targetableName" has incorrect targeting information. A JMS physical destination cannot have default-targeting-enabled attribute set.


A JMS physical destination cannot have default-targeting-enabled attribute set.


A JMS physical destination cannot have default-targeting-enabled attribute set.


Ensure that default-targeting-enabled attribute is not set for the physical destinations.


Error: The flow minimum value min is larger than or equal to the flow maximum value max in connection factory "facName". The flow minimum value must be less than the flow maximum value.


The flow minimum value min is larger than or equal to the flow maximum value max in connection factory "facName". The flow minimum value must be less than the flow maximum value.


This is an invalid configuration. The flow minimum value must be less than the flow maximum value.


Modify the configuration of the connection factory to have the flow minimum value to be less than the flow maximum value.

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