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What's New in Version 3.2.1 (build 589 - 10/13/2006) for the Workshop Studio Family of Products

This micro-release consists of documentation and platforms upgrades and minor bug fixes. Platform upgrades are:

Documentation upgrades include:

In addition, we have included the following minor feature upgrades:

Since this is only a minor upgrade, you can upgrade with Eclipse Update Manager, accessible from Help > Software Updates. Upgrading with Update Manager will not update your underlying Eclipse and WTP versions. In this case, we recommend that you upgrade to Eclipse 3.2.1 and WTP 1.5.1 since these versions fix many bugs, especially the issues regarding EAR deployment. To upgrade both your Workshop Studio product and the Eclipse platform components, download the full product and reinstall.

Known Issues

This table lists the additional known issues in the 3.2.1 release of the Workshop Studio group of products. (See below for the list of known issues in the 3.2 release).

Problem ID Description
CR286303 Run/debug server with an EAR project does not work on all servers

Debugging web applications does not work when the web application is part of an EAR project deployed to the server.

Platform: All servers except JBoss

Workaround: Re-install Workshop Studio by downloading the full product and installing with the Install Full Workshop Studio option (installs a standalone copy of Eclipse 3.2.1 with WTP 1.5.1) OR install the Eclipse 3.2.1 and WTP 1.5.1 upgrades.

CR295585 Workshop Studio fails to load with with WTP 1.5.1 unless Eclipse 3.2.1 is also installed.

Workshop Studio works with either Eclipse 3.2/WTP 1.5 OR Eclipse 3.2.1/WTP 1.5.1. We recommend that you install the Eclipse 3.2.1/WTP 1.5.1 upgrade because it address numerous small issues.

Platform: All

Workaround: Re-install Workshop Studio by downloading the full product and installing with the Install Full Workshop Studio option (installs a standalone copy of Eclipse 3.2.1 with WTP 1.5.1) OR install both the Eclipse 3.2.1 and WTP 1.5.1 upgrades.

What's New in Version 3.2 (build 569 - 7/17/2006) for the Workshop Studio Family of Products

Highlights include:

Workshop for JSP:

Workshop Studio:

All products:

Details of New Features for all Products

Upgraded Framework Support

Upgraded Documentation

Improved Debug/test features:

Improvements to Infrastructure

Considerations for Using Workshop Studio

The Workshop Studio group of products is targeted toward the iterative development experience rather than production deployment. As such, a number of features that work correctly in a standalone (development) server environment will not function as expected in a clustered deployment.

Important — Development and testing of applications using this release should be done using standalone server environments.

Supported Platforms

Click here for a list of supported platforms.

Late-Breaking News

Additional features added to the 3.2 release too late to be included in the documentation:

Save State of ORM Generation Wizard

You can now save the state of the ORM Generation wizard prior to ORM Entity bean generation. This allows you to use the mapping wizard to specify some of your O/R mappings, save the state, and return at a later time to add additional mappings before generating. On the last page of the wizard, click Save wizard state to save the current mappings without generating.

Share AppXRay Database

If you have a shared project that takes a very long time to build (more than 15 minutes), you can build the AppXRay database on a single machine and then share it with other users. This technique should only be used for very large projects. There are two ways to do this:

If both users have a copy of the project files, with AppXRay disabled:

  1. The first user enables AppXRay (right click on the project and choose Enable AppXRay) and allows AppXRay to build its database. The AppXRay status will be displayed by the project name in the AppXplorer view, and you must wait til the build completes and no more status messages are displayed.
  2. The first user then copies the following folder from their workspace folder :


    to the second user's project folder.

  3. The second user then enables AppXRay (right click on the project and choose Enable AppXRay).

If the second user does not have a copy of the project files:

  1. From the operating system, the first user copies the project folder to a new shared folder.
  2. From the operating system, the first user copies the the following folder from their workspace folder :


    to the new shared folder.

  3. From the operating system, in the new shared folder, the first user deletes the file
  4. .settings/com.bea.workshopstudio

  5. The second user opens Workshop Studio and chooses New > Dynamic Web Project From Existing Source. For the project source, the second user specifies the new shared folder created by the first user.
  6. The new project will be created with the files from the new shared folder, AppXRay will be enabled, and the AppXRay database will not need to be rebuilt. The ArtifactDb folder will not be copied to the new project, but instead will be installed into the workspace metadata folder automatically.

Note that this feature only works if BOTH users have version 3.2 installed. This feature does not work with previous versions.

Known Issues

This table lists the known issues in the 3.2 release of the Workshop Studio group of products.

Problem ID Description
CR278829 Applications using the Java 5.0 or Java 6.0 compiler are not built correctly

If you try to build an application using compiler compliance level of 5.0 or 6.0 when Eclipse was launched with a lower version of the compiler, the application will not build correctly.

Platforms: all

Workaround: Launch Eclipse using the Java compiler version that is needed to build your applications.

CR285082 In Workshop for JSP, the Spring IDE features are disabled after the 30-day trial period

If you install the free download Workshop for JSP, when the 30-day trial version of Workshop Studio expires, Spring IDE features will be disabled.

Platforms: all

Workaround: Add the -clean command line option the next time you launch. You must run the -clean option once for every workspace.

CR285044 New Dynamic Web Projects that do not specify a Target Runtime default to Java 6.0.

When creating a new Dynamic Web Project, if the Target Runtime is set to <None>, Java will default to version 6.0. This could cause compatibility issues for frameworks and annotations that do not support Java 6.

Platforms: all

Workaround: During Dynamic Web Project creation, select the desired Java version (i.e., 5.0, 1.4, 1.3) from the facet pull down menu. On existing projects, modify the Java facet version under the project properties .

What's New in Version 3.1 (build 536 - 5/31/2006)

This release incorporates changes in the following areas:


Web Tools Platform (WTP)

The major feature upgrade from version 3.0 is that the Workshop Studio group of products now integrate Web Tools Platform (WTP) 1.0.2. This affects several functional areas, primarily:

The following procedures have been changed and/or enhanced:

Workshop Studio 3.1 provides additional enhancements to the following areas in WTP:

WTP adds numerous features to Workshop Studio. Following are some of these features, for the complete list and details please refer to

Other Changes and Upgrades

Changes to Supported Platforms


BEA Workshop Studio 3.0.1, build 493 (3/29/06)



BEA Workshop Studio 3.0

3.0 Final Release, build 489 (1/31/06)
3.0 M2, build 471 (11/7/05)
3.0 M1, build 465 (9/16/05)

3.0 Final Release, build 489 (1/31/06)

EJB3 Persistence
This build includes the following support for the pre-final EJB3 Persistence "Proposed Final Draft" specifications. All features work with BEA Kodo (early access release EA4) and Hibernate 3.1 (Hibernate Entity Manager beta6 and Hibernate Annotations beta8):

Hibernate 3.1 Support
This build enhances our earlier Hibernate support by providing the following features:

Database Enhancements
This build enhances our earlier Database development support by providing the following features:

Spring IDE
This build bundles the Spring IDE (an installer option).

HTML Conversion
You can convert HTML pages to use Struts or JSF tags. The conversion wizard gives you control over which tags to convert, and for each HTML form lets you specify the corresponding Struts action or JSF managed bean and use it for binding the form fields.
These commands are accessible thru the New Web Artifact wizard.


3.0 M2, build 471 (11/7/05)

Starting from this build NitroX has been renamed to BEA Workshop. The product mission, vision, and commitment to developers are not changing!

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0
This build provides JSP debugging and automatic deployment for BEA WebLogic Server 9.0. As usual you create the server configuration from "Window > Preferences > Workshop > Server Configurations".

3.0 M1, build 465 (9/16/05)

Database Development
This build introduces the NitroX support for database exploration and editing. We will continuously add to these features thru multiple milestones.

This build introduces the NitroX support for Hibernate 3.x and 2.x. We will continuously add to these features thru multiple milestones.

MyFaces Extensions
The MyFaces extensions tag library is now supported as follows:

CSS and JavaScript Editors
This build contains a .css and .js editors with syntax coloring and code completion.

Tag Libraries Customization
It is now possible to customize many aspects of JSP tag libraries using powerful (and simple) metadata files.
Most notably is the ability to write Velocity HTML rendering templates to customize the rendering of JSP tags and JSF components in the JSP design editor.

See more on tag libraries customization.

NitroX 2.1

2.1 Final Release, build 425 (7/5/05)
2.1 M3 (6/1/05)
2.1 M2 (5/13/05)
2.1 M1 (4/25/05)

2.1 Final Release, build 425 (7/5/05)

2.1 M3 (6/1/05)

2.1 M2 (5/13/05)

JSF Support: Java Server Faces support is available in the NitroX JSF IDE, NitroX Struts & JSF IDE, as well as in the first 15 days of the free JSP Editor.

2.1 M1 (4/25/05)

NitroX 2.0.1, build 404 (3/24/05)

NitroX 2.0

Build 371 (3/2/05) - 2.0 Final Release
Build 366 (2/4/05)
Build 362 (1/28/05)
Build 352 (12/22/04)
Build 345 (11/29/04)
Build 339 (11/16/04)
Build 329 (10/21/04)
Build 318 (10/4/04)
Build 316 (9/20/04)

Build 371 (3/2/05) - 2.0 Final Release

This is the NitroX 2.0 final release. We enjoyed the ride, we hope that you enjoyed it too!
Here are some of the final changes:

Build 366 (2/4/05)

Build 362 (1/28/05)

Build 352 (12/22/04)

Build 345 (11/29/04)

Build 339 (11/16/04)

Build 329 (10/21/04)

Build 318 (10/4/04)

Build 316 (9/20/04)


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