Creating a JMS Module

Create a JMS module to manage and configure resources.

To create a JMS module:

  1. If it is not already open, launch the WebLogic Administration Console on the remote or local server.
  2. In the WebLogic Administration Console, expand Services/Messaging and click JMS Modules in the Domain Structure pane.
  3. On the JMS Modules page, click New.
  4. On the Create JMS System Module page:
    1. Under The following properties will be used to identify your new module, enter a name in the Name field and click Next.

      Note: Make a note of this name, you will need to know which module to expand in the Configuring the Security Policy for the WebLogic Message Queue topic.

    2. Under The following properties will be used to target your new JMS system module, select a target server in the Servers box and click Next.

      Note: If you are deploying to a cluster, select the cluster from the targets list.

    3. Under Add resources to this JMS system module, select the Would you like to add resources to this JMS system module option and click Finish.

Related Topics

Configuring the WebLogic Message Queue

Sending Events to a Remote WebLogic JMS Server

Configuring a Trust Relationship

Configuring and Testing the WebLogic Message Queue Security

Configuring the Security Policy for the WebLogic Message Queue

Creating a WebLogic Domain on a Remote or Local Server

Creating a JMS Server and Persistence Store

Creating a JMS Connection Factory

Creating a Foreign JMS Server

Creating a JMS Message Queue and Subdeployment

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Last Published Wednesday, February 16, 2022