Reviewing Team Member Status Updates

Review updates your team members made to activities. While reviewing updates, you can modify the data, approve or reject the status updates, or place a hold on a status update to reconcile at a later time. You can view status updates for all projects that you are assigned as a reviewer, or choose to view status updates only for some projects.

Note: Only the fields updated by a team member using one of the P6 Team Member interfaces are displayed in the Status Updates page.

To view status updates:

  1. Click Approvals.
  2. On the Approvals navigation bar, select Status Updates.
  3. On the Status Updates page:
    1. Select whether to group the view by Resource, Review ,or None.

      You must be assigned the Admin Superuser or Project Superuser global security profile to group by review status.

    2. To see the assigned reviewers for a status update and the type of the review, select Reviewers.
    3. To accept an update, on the status update card, select Accept.
    4. To make a change to an update:
      1. Select Override.
      2. In the Override Updates for Activity dialog box, enter a new value and select Override.

        Note: If you select to override values in an activity update and a team member later updates those values by resubmitting a status update, the values you enter here will be lost.

    5. To place a hold:
      1. Select Pending.
      2. On the status update card, select Hold.
    6. To remove a hold:
      1. Select Held.
      2. On the status update card, select Remove hold.
    7. To reject an update:
      1. On the status update card, select Reject.
      2. In the Reject Status Updates dialog box, enter a Reason for Rejection against each of the fields you require to be changed.
      3. In the Comments field, enter your overall comments to the team member about this status update.
      4. Select the Notify team member by email option if you want the team member to receive an email about the rejected status update.
    8. To accept all status updates, including any override updates you made, select Accept All.
    9. To reject all status updates visible in the view, including any override updates you made, select Reject All.


Related Topics

About P6 Team Member Status Updates

Working with P6 Team Member Status Updates

Assigning a Status Reviewer to a WBS

Selecting an Activity for Review

Viewing Team Member Status Updates History

Configuring P6 Team Member Status Update Reviews

Configuring P6 Team Member View Preferences

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Last Published Wednesday, December 2, 2020