Checking In Documents

Check in a document when you are finished with it. You must check in a document to lift the lock that a check out places on a document.

To check in a document:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Documents.
  3. On the Documents page, click the Project tab.
  4. On the Project tab, select a checked out document and click Check Out options Check in.
  5. In the Check In dialog box:
    1. Click Browse then browse to the document and select Open.
    2. In Comments field enter any comments you want to include with the document.
    3. Select Check In.

      Note: Cloud only. Documents are scanned for viruses on upload to the content repository. If a virus is detected, the document is removed, a notification is displayed, and the uploading user is emailed the details. If a virus is detected during check-in, only the infected version of the document is removed.


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Adding Documents to a Project from the Content Repository

Configuring Document Details

Checking Out Documents

Sending Email about Documents

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Last Published Wednesday, December 2, 2020