Creating Activity Code Values for Activities

You can quickly create activity code values in the Activity Codes detail window.

To create activity code values in the Activity Codes detail window:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Activities.
  3. On the Activities page, select an activity and click the Codes detail window.
    1. In the Codes detail window, click Assign....
    2. In the Select Code Value dialog box:
      • Select the Global, EPS, or Project option for a list of activity codes.
      • Select an activity code to which you will add the value.
      • Click Add and select Code Value.
    3. In the Add Activity Code Value dialog box, enter a value in each field and click Create.
    4. In the Select Code Value dialog box:
      • Select the new code value and click Assign.


      • Click Close.
    5. On the Activities page, click Save.


Related Topics

Working with Activity Codes

Creating Activity Codes

Creating Activity Code Values

Configuring Activity Code Values

Assigning Activity Code Values to Activities

Creating Activity Code Values

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Last Published Wednesday, December 2, 2020