Cost Accounts Page


Use this page to add and configure cost accounts.

Screen Elements

Add menu

Add: Creates a category.

Add Child: Creates a subcategory, subordinate to the selected category.

Expand All button

Enables you to see all of the items in the hierarchical list.

Collapse All button

Enables you to hide subordinate items in the hierarchical list.

Full Screen

Expands the current work area so it fills the entire display.


Prints the current page, table, chart, or item.


Searches the view or dialog box for data matching the criteria entered into the box.

ID field

The identifier of the cost account.

Row Actions menu

Add: Creates a new item.

Add Child: Creates a new item, subordinate to the selected item.

Delete: Removes the selected items permanently.

Cut: Cuts the selected item.

Copy: Copies the selected item.

Paste: Pastes a previously cut or copied item into the selected position.

Move Up: Moves the selected item up within the same level in the hierarchical arrangement.

Move Down: Moves the selected item down within the same level in the hierarchical arrangement.

Move Right: Moves the selected item one level lower in the hierarchical arrangement.

Move Left: Moves the selected item one level higher in the hierarchical arrangement.

Name field

The name you assign to the cost account. Cost accounts are established in a hierarchy.

Description field

The description of each corresponding cost account.


Enables you to download the view as an Excel file. For hierarchical data, the top level and any expanded levels are downloaded. For flat lists, all columns are downloaded.


Getting Here

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Enterprise Data.
  3. On the Enterprise Data page, expand Activities and click Cost Accounts.

Related Topics

About Cost Accounts

Creating Cost Accounts

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021