Identifying Critical Activities Behind Schedule

You can create an activity view to identify activities that have zero or negative float and a negative finish date variance.

To create a filter to identify activities with zero or negative float:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Activities.
  3. On the Activities page, click Filters and select Manage Filters.
  4. In the Manage Filters dialog box:
    1. In the filters list select User or Global, click Row Actions and select Add.
    2. Double click the new filter and rename it Critical Activities.
  5. In the filter definition area, click Add a filter condition....
    1. In the Field field, select Critical.
    2. In the Operator field, select equals.
    3. In the Value field, select Yes.
    4. Click Save.

To create a view to show which critical activities are behind schedule:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Activities.
  3. On the Activities page, click Customize View.
  4. In the Manage Views dialog box:
    1. In the views list, click Row Actions and select Add.
    2. Double click the new view and rename it Critical Activities Behind Schedule.
  5. Click Columns.
    1. On the Columns tab:
      • In the Search bar, type Var.
      • Select a column which matches your definition of behind schedule and move it to the Selected Columns list.
  6. Click Filtering.
    1. On the Filtering tab, select the Critical Activities filter.
  7. Click Sorting.
    1. On the Sorting tab.
      • In the Sort By list, select the column which matches your definition of behind schedule.
      • In the Order list, select Descending.
  8. Click Save.

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021