Service Settings Detail Window


Use this detail window to configure settings to automatically publish global data for reports.

Screen Elements

Run Service list

Determines the interval by which the service is automatically run.

On list

Determines the day of the week on which the service is automatically run. This option is only displayed if Weekly is selected on the Run Service list.

On the list

Determines the dates on which a service is automatically run. For example, select a service to automatically run on the first Monday of every month. This option is only displayed if Every Two Weeks or Monthly is selected on the Run Service list.

Start Time field

Determines the time at which the service is automatically run.

Enable email notifications option

Determines whether you want the listed users to be notified by email when a Primavera Unifier schedule sheet integration service fails. Specify the users to notify in the Recipients field. The user who created the service will also receive a notification about the failed service in the notifications pane of P6.

This setting is only available for Schedule Sheet integration services.

Recipients field

The list of email addresses which will be sent notification by email when a Primavera Unifier schedule sheet integration service fails.

This setting is only available for Schedule Sheet integration services.

Sub Folder field

Enables you to specify a folder or folder path for import or export files. If your server is running Windows, separate folders in the path with a backslash. If your server is running Unix or Linux, separate folders in the path with a forward slash.

This field is only available for import and export services.

Note: The Sub Folder field is only available for on-premises users.


The name of Service Settings detail window varies based on the service you select. For example, if you select the Publish Security service, the Publish Security Settings detail window is displayed.

Getting Here

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Scheduled Services.
  3. On the Scheduled Services page, click Global or Project.
  4. Click the Service Settings detail window.

Related Topics

Enabling Automatic Publishing of P6 Global Data

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021