Portfolio Analysis Page


Use this page to analyze portfolio data, conduct side-by-side comparisons of two project groups, and apply waterline analysis techniques to assist with executive-level critical decision making. The Portfolio Analysis page is divided into two halves. Information related to one project group appears on one side and information specific to a second project group appears on the other side.

For each project group you can display the latest summarized data. You can also select a portfolio view to determine the layout of project data.

Screen Element

Compare options

Determines whether the two selected project groups are displayed vertically or horizontally on the page.

Portfolio Analysis toolbar

See Portfolio Analysis Toolbar.

Portfolio Analysis Settings bar

See Portfolio Analysis Settings Area

Work Area

Displays the data or chart you selected in the View field on the settings bar.

Getting Here

  1. Click Portfolios.
  2. On the Portfolios navigation bar, click Portfolio Analysis.

Related Topics

About Portfolios

Working with Portfolios

About Portfolio Views

Working with Portfolio Views

Assigning Projects to a Portfolio

Creating Projects on the Portfolio Analysis Page

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021