Resource View of the Analysis Page


Use this tab to view resource allocation as a chart (total allocation across time) and as a spreadsheet (of resource allocation values by project). You can view totals for individual resources or for multiple resources grouped by resource code, resource team, or primary role.

The resource usage data displayed on this page is derived from published data, so it is current as of the last date the project was published. Assignment changes within a project after that date will not be reflected until the project is republished.

Screen Elements

Resource button

Enables you to filter the current page with data from Resources.

Role button

Enables you to filter the current page with data from Roles.

Dock area

Group By list

Select from one of the following by which to group the available resources:

Resource Hierarchy: Groups resources by their organizational hierarchy.

Resource Code: Groups resources by the resource codes assigned to them.

Primary Role: Groups resources by their primary role.

Resource Team: Groups resources by their resource team.

Assignment Code: Groups resources by the assignment codes assigned to their assignments.


Enables you to perform a search based on the value you enter in the search bar. Select ID, Name, Code, Role, or Team from the list. Code, role, and team will only appear on the list if you have selected the corresponding option on the Group By list.

Resource or Role List or Hierarchy

Display the resources or roles available to you.

If you have selected to Group By a hierarchy, the resources or roles are displayed in the hierarchy. If you have selected to Group By a code, the resources or roles are displayed according to the codes assigned.

If you have provided search criteria, the list shows resources or roles which match your search criteria. If you have provided search criteria, the resources or role which match your search criteria are not shown in a hierarchy or by code, even if you have selected to group by a hierarchy or code.

Collapse Dock

Collapses the dock.

Spreadsheet area

Display list

Enables you to select whether to show units or costs.

Full Screen

Expands the current work area so it fills the entire display.

Customize View

Opens the Customize View dialog box.

Go to date selector

Enables you to move the spreadsheet and histogram or chart to show a specific timeframe.

Spreadsheet area

Enables you to view the page as a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet displays project data in a timescaled row and column format.

To see earlier time periods, click Show 10 More. To see later timer periods, click Show 10 More.

Download link

Enables you to download the currently displayed data as a Microsoft Excel file. For hierarchical data, the top level and any expanded levels are downloaded. For flat lists, all columns are downloaded.

Histogram and Chart Dock area

Collapse Dock

Collapses the Histogram and Chart dock.

Chart view

The chart displays a graphical view of frequencies for the selected role or resource. To display a dialog box containing units or costs information, hover over a bar on the chart.

To view the chart on the right of the page, click Dock Right. To view the chart at the bottom of the page, click Dock Bottom.

Display Chart list

Determines whether the chart will display a Histogram, Stacked Histogram or an Area Chart.

Group By list

Select one of the following options:

Projects: Displays data for all roles or resources that are assigned to activities for all projects in the project group.

Project Codes: Displays data for all defined roles or resources assigned to projects assigned to the Code you specify.

Code list

Enables you to select a project code for filtering the histogram. This list is visible if you have selected Project Code on the Group By list.

Getting Here

  1. Click Resources.
  2. On the Resources navigation bar, click Analysis.
  3. On the Analysis page, click Resource.

Related Topics

About Resource Analysis

Summarizing Projects

Viewing Resource Usage

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021