Users Page


Use this page to create user accounts and configure their security profiles and access privileges.

Screen Elements

Group By field

Arranges similar values in a table or list into groups based on a selected field.

Add menu

Users from LDAP: Enables you to add users from an LDAP directory.

Users from LDIF: Enables you to add users from an LDIF file.

Note: This option is only available if you have configured P6 with LDAP.

Add button

Enables you to create a new user. You can assign a login name, personal name, and password to the new user.

Actions menu

Update User Settings: Enables you to copy user settings from one user to other users. The copied settings include global and project security profiles, module access, OBS access, resource access and User Interface View access. You must have the Admin Superuser global security profile to see this menu item.

User Count: Enables you to view the number of users with access to each module of the application. For example, 12 users might be assigned access to the Projects module while only 3 are assigned to the Resources module.

Customize View

Opens the Customize View dialog box.


Prints the Grid View.

Full Screen

Expands the current work area so it fills the entire display.


Searches the view or dialog box for data matching the criteria entered into the box.

Row Actions menu

Delete: Removes the selected item or association permanently. If the user is assigned as an owner of an activity, the user name is removed from the Owner field on the activity. If the user has an associated resource, the association between the resource and the user is removed, but the resource and the resource assignments remain in the database.

Change Password: Enables you to enter a new password for the selected user. You can only change passwords if you have the required privileges.

Cut: Cuts the selected item.

Copy: Copies the selected item.

Paste: Pastes a previously cut or copied item into the selected position.

Fill Down: Copies the data from the first cell selected to all other selected cells in the same column. Use CTRL or SHIFT to select multiple cells.

Create Resource: Enables you to create a resource from the selected user or users.

Login Name field

The login name for the user.

Associated Resource field

The associated resource of each user.

Associated resources can be used to pair users with timesheets, personal calendars, and assignments (for email or phone updates).

Contributor option

Determines limited user access to P6, such as the Dashboards and Projects sections (Activities page). For user interface views, only the options on the Activity Editing tab apply to contributors. Access to P6 functionality is additionally determined by a user’s OBS access and relationship to the project, that is, whether the user is assigned as a resource to activities or designated as an activity owner. You must clear all other module access options in order to select Contributor module access; conversely, you must clear Contributor module access in order to select any other module access option.

Email field

The Email address for the user.

Enable Modify option

Determines whether users can modify user interface options.

Enterprise Reports option

Determines user access to the Reports section in P6. By selecting this module access option, the P6 EPPM user will be able to run reports.

Note: Security for reports is enforced when the report is run. See the P6 EPPM BI Publisher Configuration Guide for more information on security.

Global Security Profile field

Determines the user's access to application-wide information. The global security profile provides read-only access to all global data except cost and resource data. Privileges can be added to global security profiles to allow users to add, edit, and delete global data, and view global cost data.

Integration API option

Determines whether a user has access to P6 Integration API.

Logged In field

The modules the selected user is currently logged into.

Module Access field

The modules assigned to the user.

P6 Analytics option

Determines user access only to the Star database through Oracle Business Intelligence. By selecting this module access option, a Star user is created for the P6 EPPM user as long as the user name matches Oracle database user name requirements. For example, if the P6 EPPM user name begins with anything other than a letter, a Star user cannot be created. Once a Star user is created, the user will be able to access the Oracle Business Intelligence Dashboards application.

P6 Professional option

Determines user access to P6 Professional.

Personal Name field

The personal name for the user. This name might be a nickname, full name, reference to a role or department, or include any information recognized by your organization to identify the user.

Phone field

The telephone number for the user.

Portfolios option

Determines user access to the following functionality in P6: the Portfolios section, Project Performance portlets, the Portfolio View portlet in the Dashboards section, document management functionality (if the Content Repository is configured), and workflow functionality (if the integration with BPM is configured).

Project Access field

The OBS level that determines the projects a user is allowed to access.

Projects option

Determines user access to the following functionality in P6: the Projects section, Project Performance portlets in the Dashboards section, document management functionality (if the Content Repository is configured), and workflow functionality (if the integration with BPM is configured).

Resource Access field

The resource access for the user.

The resource may have access to all resources, up to five selected resources, or no resources. This field is blank if the user does not have access to a resource.

Resources option

Determines user access to the following functionality in P6: the Resources section, Resources portlets in the Dashboards section, document management functionality (if the Content Repository is configured), and workflow functionality (if the integration with BPM is configured).

System User field

Determines that the user is a system user, which is for Oracle use only. Do not modify the access rights or privileges of a system user.

Team Member option

Determines user access to the P6 for Android and P6 for iOS mobile apps and P6 Team Member interfaces: P6 Team Member Web and Email Statusing Service. All modules provide access rights to Email Statusing Service, P6 for Android, and P6 for iOS on iPhone, but only the Team Member Interfaces module access option provides access rights to P6 Team Member Web and P6 for iOS on iPad.

Team Member Filter field

The Team Member work distribution filters assigned to the user.

Timesheet option

Determines user access to Timesheets in P6 Team Member.

User Interface View field

The user interface view assigned to the user.

Visualizer option

Determines user access to Visualizer.

Web Services option

Determines user access to P6 EPPM Web Services, which uses open standards, including XML, SOAP, and WSDL, to seamlessly integrate P6 EPPM functionality into other applications. Using P6 EPPM Web Services, organizations can share P6 EPPM data between applications independent of operating system or programming language.


Enables you to download the view as an Excel file. For hierarchical data, the top level and any expanded levels are downloaded. For flat lists, all columns are downloaded.

Module Access detail window

See Module Access Detail Window of the Users Page.

Project Access detail window

See Project Access Detail Window of the Users Page.

Resource Access detail window

See Resource Access Detail Window of the Users Page.


Getting Here

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click User Administration.
  3. On the User Administration page, click Users.

Related Topics

About User Access

About Users

Creating User Accounts for P6 EPPM

Configuring User Access

Assigning Associated Resources

Assigning Global Security Profiles

Assigning Module Access

Assigning OBS Elements to Users

Assigning Resource Access

Assigning User Interface Views

Changing Passwords

Changing User Passwords

Creating a Team Member Work Distribution Filter

Assigning a Team Member Work Distribution Filter

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021