Updating Baselines

As a project progresses, you might choose to update baseline data without restoring the baseline or creating a new baseline. When a project is in progress, creating a new baseline may not yield accurate comparison results. When you update a baseline, only the data types you select will be updated.

To update a baseline:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Activities or EPS.
  3. On the Activities or EPS page
    1. On the Activities or EPS page, click the Actions menu and select Define Baselines....
    2. In the Define Baselines dialog box:
      • Select the baseline which you will update.
      • Click Update Baseline.
    3. In the Update Baseline dialog box:
      • Select Run Optimized to optimize the speed of updating the baseline.
      • Select Ignore Last Update Date to update all activities in the baseline, regardless of the last time they were updated.
      • On the Project Data tab, select which types of project data should be updated.
      • On the Activity Data tab, select whether to update all activities or activities matching a filter, whether to add new activities to the baseline which have been added to the project since the baseline was created, and whether to delete activities from the baseline which no longer exist in the project.
      • On the Update Options tab, select which types of activity data should be updated.
    4. Click Update.


Related Topics

About Baselines

Working with Baselines

Creating Baselines

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021