Configuring Application Settings

  1. Select Application Settings.
  2. In the General section:
    1. Select the Maximum search results to limit the number of results returned in the Assign Resource to Activity dialog box.
    2. Select the Allow editing of subordinate timesheets option to allow supervisors to modify subordinate resources' timesheet.
    3. Select the Enable timesheet auditing option to save the history of timesheet submission, approval, rejection, reviewers, and associated dates. This setting can also be managed from P6.
    4. Select the Update actual units when activities or assignments that were never started are marked complete in My Activities option to allow actual units to be updated in P6 when, on the My Activities page, you set the Mark Activity Complete or Mark Assignment Complete check mark against an activity or assignment which has never been started. This option is useful if you track your work at a high level.
  3. In the Privileges for Entering Hours on Timesheets section:
    1. Select the Log hours on future timesheets option to indicate that users can report hours on timesheets with dates after the current timesheet period (for example, entering vacation time in advance).
    2. Select the Log hours on not-started activities option to indicate that users can report hours for activities that have not been started.
    3. Choose whether you want users report hours for Activities and Assignments or Assignments only that have been marked as completed.
    4. Select whether you want users to be able to Log hours on activities before the assignment start date and Log hours on activities before the activity start date.
    5. Select whether you want users to be able to Log hours on activities after the assignment finish date and Log hours on activities after the activity finish date.
    6. Select the Allow resources to enter negative hours option to allow users to enter a negative number of hours against an activity.

      Note: When the Allow resources to enter negative hours option is not selected, it is still possible for users to enter a negative value of hours in a timesheet, for example if it is necessary to correct a previous entry. However with this option selected, users will not be allowed to enter a number of hours that would result in the activity hours being calculated as less than zero.

  4. In the Email Service section:
    1. Choose whether you want to Use a separate email client or Use P6 Team Member email client. If you choose to use a separate email client, you must have an email client installed to send email.
  5. In the Settings for Status Updates section:
    1. Choose the time to use as the start time for activities when a user selects or taps Start in P6 Team Member Web, P6 for Android, or P6 for iOS after the scheduled start date of the activity.

      If you select Current time, when a team member selects or taps Start the start time of the activity is set to the date and time when the team member selects or taps Start.

      If you select Start of day, when a team member selects or taps Start the start time of the activity is set to 00:00 (midnight) of the date when the team member selects or taps Start.

      If you select Calendar work period start, when a team member selects or taps Start the start time of the activity is set to the beginning of the work period on the date when the team member selects or taps Start according to the calendar governing the activity's dates. If a team member selects or tap Start during a non-work period according to the calendar governing the activity's dates, the start date of the activity is set to the date and time when the team member selects or taps Start.

  6. In the Entering Timesheets section:
    1. Choose how you would like users to enter hours on timesheets:

      If you select Daily, you can also select to Restrict the maximum hours a resource can enter per day and specify the maximum number of hours a resource can enter for all of their assigned activities (minimum 0.5, maximum 24). For example, if you set this value to 12 a resource cannot report more than 12 hours per day, even if they report fewer than 12 hours on each individual activity that day.

      If you select By reporting period, all resources will report their hours as a single time value for each assigned activity in a timesheet reporting period, regardless of the number of days included in the timesheet period.

    2. Select the Timesheet hours entry for users entering hours on timesheets.

      If you select hours (decimal), all resources will report their hours as a decimal value. For example 2 hours and 20 minutes would be reported as 2.33.

      If you select hours:minutes, all resources will report their hours as the number of hours and the number of minutes. For example 2 hours and 20 minutes would be reported as 2:20.

      If you select quarter-hour, all resources will report their hours as the number of hours and either 00, 15, 30, or 45 minutes. Minutes values other than 00, 15, 30, or 45 will automatically be rounded to the nearest quarter-hour value. For example, 2 hours and 20 minutes could be reported as 2:20 but would be stored as 2:15.

    3. Select the Number of decimal digits for recording hours.
    4. Select the Number of future timesheets users can access beyond the current timesheet period.
    5. Select the Number of past timesheets users can access before the current timesheet period.
  7. Select Save.

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Last Published Wednesday, December 2, 2020