Column Audit Data

The data changes for each audit are stored in the audit_info and audit_info_extended columns. The audit_info column contains all the row changes as long as they do not exceed 4000 characters. Changes over 4000 characters or any edit to a blob will be written to the audit_info_extended BLOB column.

Data in the two audit_info columns has a specific format. Each column audit within the data begins with either ":O" (old data) or ":N" (new data) to distinguish between the audit of the previous (old) or the changed (new) value (for BLOB columns the data starts with :BLOBO or :BLOBN). Directly after this is the name of the column in lowercase. Following the column name is the length of the audited value in a fixed four character field. Finally, the actual data is placed in the audit record. Updates will have both an old and new value for each change. Inserts will have only a new value and deletes only an old value.

The following is an example of the audit record for TASK to change the task_code from 'A1010' to 'B102:'

audit_info =>:Otask_code: 5:A1010:Ntask_code: 4:B102

Related Topics

Native Database Auditing

Auditing Level Configuration

Simple Configuration

Detailed Configuration

The Audit Table

Session Auditing

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