Upgrading an Oracle Database

The wizard runs the necessary scripts to upgrade the database structure and an upgrade program to add data required by the new version. You must upgrade your P6 Professional database.


To upgrade the database:

  1. Perform a cold backup and a full database export.

    If you are unsure how to back up your Oracle Database, do not proceed with the upgrade. Contact your database administrator, your database vendor, or Oracle Global Customer Support for assistance in backing up your database before performing the database upgrade. Also, ensure that you are familiar with the process of restoring the backup copy of the database, in case you need to do so.

  2. Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and update the following scripts in a text editor:
    • manual_script_before_upgrade.sql

      If you are not using the schema names admuser, privuser, or pxrptuser, update the references with your actual admuser, privuser, and pxrptuser names.

    • manual_script_before_install.sql

      By default, grant options are being made to the SYSTEM schema user. The upgrade requires entry of a DBA user account, so if you use SYSTEM, no update is needed. However, if you use another DBA account for the upgrade, update the references to SYSTEM with the actual DBA account.

  3. From the command line, run sqlplus sys/@<DBNAME> as sysdba and enter the password when prompted.

    where <DBNAME> is the Net Service Name for your database, which can be found in your $ORACLE_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN\TNSNAMES.ORA file.

  4. Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and run manual_script_before_upgrade.sql.

    For example, at the SQL prompt, enter @C:\P6_Professional_Database\database\scripts\install\PPM_15_01_00\manual_script_before_upgrade.sql.

  5. Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and run manual_script_before_install.sql.

    For example, at the SQL prompt, enter @C:\P6_Professional_Database\database\scripts\install\PPM_15_01_00\manual_script_before_install.sql.

  6. Double-click dbsetup.bat (or dbsetup.sh for Linux) in the Database folder of the P6 EPPM physical media or download to start the Database wizard.

    Note: Click Next on each wizard screen to advance to the next step.

  7. On the Connection Information, Connect to Database Server screen:
    1. In the DBA User Name field, enter the DBA user name (by default, system).
    2. In the DBA Password field, enter the password for the DBA user name.
    3. In the Database Host Address field, enter the server machine name of IP address where the Oracle Database is installed.
    4. In the Database Host Port field, enter the port number that the Oracle Database is using. The default is 1521.
    5. In the Database Service Name field, enter the Oracle Service Name or SID. You can find this value in the TNSNAMES.ORA file, which you created when you or your DBA set up the Oracle client. You can also obtain the Service Name or SID by running the following query against the database as a DBA user (db_name reflects the SID and service_names reflects the service name):

      select name, value from v$parameter where name in ('db_name','service_names');

      Note: If you use the P6 PPM schema user (ADMUSER) in the DBA user name field, the following upgrade failure results: "Error in Run SQL Script orppm_grant_privileges.sql: DatabaseToolException (ORA-01031: insufficient privileges)".

  8. On the Connection Information, Enter Administrative screen:
    1. Enter the schema owner name for P6 PPM (by default, admuser or admprm$pm for standalone).
    2. Enter password of the schema owner for P6 PPM.
  9. On the Upgrade Options screen:
    1. In the Privileged User Name field, select the privileged username (by default, privuser or privprm$pm for standalone) from the dropdown.
    2. In the Privileged User Password field, enter the password for the privileged user.
    3. In the Public User Name field, select the public username (by default, pubuser or pubprm$pm for standalone) from the dropdown.
    4. In the Public User Password field, enter the password for the public user.
    5. In the Background Job User Name field, select the background job username (by default, bgjobuser or bgjob$pm for standalone) from the dropdown.
    6. In the background job user password field, enter the password for the background job user.
  10. On the Ready to Begin Upgrading Data screen:
    1. Select the Yes, upgrade my database option.
    2. Click Upgrade.
  11. On the Primavera Database Setup Wizard screen, click Next after the process has completed.

    Note: If the database upgrade fails, see DatabaseSetup.log located in the user home directory (for example, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator). Contact Oracle Global Customer Support if you need further assistance.

  12. On the Finish screen, click Finish to exit the wizard.

Related Topics

Automatic Database Upgrade Considerations and Prerequisites

Database Upgrade Process

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