Configuring P6 Professional Internal Plug-ins for Authentication

P6 Professional comes with built-in applications that use P6 Integration API technology. You must configure these plug-ins separately for Single Sign-On or LDAP authentication. These applications read a configuration stored in the database (called INTERNAL_PLUGINS by default) to determine how to authenticate.


This procedure uses two utilities:

To change the authentication type, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch the Internal API Database Configuration utility, dbconfig.cmd. The database configuration utility is located in %P6PROFESSIONAL_HOME%\P6 Professional\PRO\Java\dbconfig.cmd
  2. Create a new temporary configuration called TEMP_CLIENT_SETUP, to access the administration utility.
  3. Launch the Internal API administration utility admin.cmd. The API administration utility is located in %P6PROFESSIONAL_HOME%\P6 Professional\PRO\Java\admin.cmd
  4. Log in using the Privileged Database username and password.
  5. Click on the Authentication tab.
    1. Expand the INTERNAL_PLUGINS configuration.
    2. In the Authentication folder, set the Login Mode equal to the authentication mode configured for P6.
    3. In the Database Instance: <your_instance_name> folder, set the Authentication Mode equal to the authentication mode configured for P6.
  6. In the Configurations tab, select the TEMP_CLIENT_SETUP configuration.
    1. Right-click and delete TEMP_CLIENT_SETUP.
    2. Click OK in the Confirmation window.
    3. Click Save, and OK in the Confirmation window.
  7. Exit the administration utility, admin.cmd.
  8. Delete the BREBOOTSTRAP.XML file located in %P6PROFESSIONAL_HOME%\P6 Professional\EPPM\Java\


For more information on P6 Integration API, see the P6 EPPM and P6 Professional Integration API Reference Guide.

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Last Published Thursday, March 18, 2021