Creating a Microsoft SQL Server Database

To create a Microsoft SQL Server database:

  1. Set the JAVA_HOME location:

    In your Windows system environment:

    1. Right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
    2. In the System Properties dialog box, on the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
    3. In the Environment Variables dialog box, under System variables, click New.
    4. In the New System Variable dialog box:
      1. In the Variable name field, enter JAVA_HOME.
      2. In the Variable value field, enter the location where Java is located (for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jre8).
    5. Click OK to exit out of the open dialog boxes.

    For Linux, add the JAVA_HOME Environment variable to the (in the Database folder of the physical media or download) file before running it. For example: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.8.0_73/

  2. Run dbsetup.bat ( for Linux) from the Database folder of the P6 Professional physical media or download.

    Note: Click Next on each wizard screen to advance to the next step.

  3. On the Primavera P6 dialog box:
    1. Choose Install a new database.
    2. Choose Microsoft SQL Server as the server type.
  4. On the Connection Information dialog box:
    1. In the DBA user name field, type the Microsoft SQL Server system administrator name to register to the server.
    2. In the DBA password field, type the password for this system administrator.
    3. In the Database host address field, enter the server machine name or IP address where Microsoft SQL Server is installed.
    4. In the Database host port field, enter the port number that Microsoft SQL Server is using. The default is 1433.
  5. On the Configure Microsoft SQL Server dialog box:
    1. In the Database name field, enter a unique name for the database you are creating.
    2. Accept the default values for the other fields or change them as appropriate for your installation.

      Note: Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ `

    The data file contains the database tables and procedures. The log file contains a record of changes. By default, the Database wizard stores these files in the folder on your server where Microsoft SQL Server is installed. The database name that you specify is used to name the files. If you change the location, the destination folder must exist on the server.

    The database code page will default to what is already selected for Microsoft SQL Server. Select a different code page, if necessary.

  6. On the Create SQL Server Users dialog box, specify the SQL database privileged and public user names and passwords. If you already have a privileged or public user you want to use, you can select the Use existing option.


    • Use a unique name for all your user names; do not use duplicate names. Repeating user names will cause conflicts.
    • Oracle recommends using strong passwords. Strong passwords in P6 EPPM contain between 8 and 20 characters and at least one numeric and one alpha character. To further strengthen the password, use a mixture of upper and lower case letters.
    • Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ `
  7. Click Next.

Clicking Next will begin the initial creation of the P6 Professional database, so you will no longer be able to click Previous to change your prior selections. However, in Loading Application Data, you will have the option to either click Install or Cancel.

Related Topics

Automatically Installing a Microsoft SQL Server Database and Loading Application Data

Loading Application Data

Base Currency

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Last Published Friday, March 19, 2021