Creating Users and Tables

Note: Oracle recommends that you use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to perform the following steps.

To create users and tables:

  1. Log into the P6 Professional database as SA user.
  2. Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and run the ssppm_create_users.sql script to create the privuser and pubuser users.


    • You must run the create script even if privuser and pubuser users already exist on the server; otherwise, later scripts will return errors.  Note that if these users do already exist, the names and passwords will not be updated by the script.
    • If you have created other user names and want to use those when running P6 Professional database scripts, replace the private and public user names with your custom user names in all applicable scripts before running them.
    • Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ `
  3. Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and run the ssppm_tables.sql script in the database you created when you ran the ssppm_init_db.sql.

    Note: The ssppm_tables.sql script makes reference to the default user names privuser and pubuser. If you are not using the default usernames in your environment, open the script in a text editor and update the default user name references with your custom user names before executing the script.

Related Topics

Creating the P6 Professional Database Structure

Copying the Script Files to a Local Drive for Microsoft SQL Server

Creating the Database

Installing Sample Data and Creating Your P6 Professional Admin Superuser Password for Microsoft SQL Server

Creating Remaining P6 Professional Database Objects

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Last Published Friday, March 19, 2021