Running Unattended Database Migration from Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition

To perform an unattended migration from Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition to SQLite, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the folder in which P6 Professional is installed.

    For example: C:\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional\

  2. From the command line, run Primavera.SQLite.MigrateUI.exe with the following flags set:
    • -s sqlexpr
    • -dbname <sql server instance name>
    • -host <sql server host,port>
    • -adminuser sa
    • -password <sa user password>
    • -filename "<sqlite db file name>"

    For example, to perform an unattended migration from Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition to SQLite:

    Primavera.SQLite.MigrateUi.exe -s sqlexpr -dbname PMDB -host localhost,1433 -adminuser sa -password admin123 -filename "C:\data\pmdb_sqlite.db"

    Note: If the specified SQLite database file does not exist, the Standalone Database Migration Tool automatically creates the file.

After migrating a standalone database, run Database Configuration to create a database connection for the new SQLite database. See Running Database Configuration After Upgrading for details.

Related Topics

Unattended Database Migration Using the Standalone Database Migration Tool

Running Unattended Database Migration from Oracle XE

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