Private Database Credentials for P6 Professional

The P6 server and P6 Professional components obtain their run-time database connection credentials from a credential configuration table in the P6 Professional database. The P6 run-time database credentials (known as privuser or P6 private database login) are stored in an encrypted format in this special P6 configuration table. Any time that you change or rotate the privuser password credentials in your Oracle or MS SQL Server database, you must re-synchronize the stored credentials in the P6 credential table by using the Database Login tool.

Because encryption algorithms are often enhanced in newer releases, Oracle highly recommends that you reset these stored privuser credentials when you perform a major version upgrade of P6 Professional. By resetting the stored credentials, the new encryption algorithm can be applied to other stored credentials (for example, pubuser) in the P6 Professional credential table. For information about resetting private database passwords, see Resetting Private Database Passwords.

Note: This tool does not reset database user logins or passwords. Administrators should use SQL Developer or other DBA consoles to set or reset database user passwords.

Related Topics

Resetting Private Database Passwords

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