Define activity percent complete types

You can calculate percent complete according to activity duration, activity units, or according to a physical percent complete that you enter manually for each activity.

  1. Choose Project, Activities.
  2. Select the activity whose percent complete type you want to define.
  3. Display Activity Details, then click the General tab.
  4. Select the percent complete type:

    To indicate that the activity's percent complete will be entered by the user for this activity, select Physical. In this case, Activity % Complete = Physical % Complete.

    To specify that the activity's percent complete be calculated from the original or planned and remaining durations, select Duration. In this case, Activity % Complete = Duration % Complete = (Original or Planned Duration – Remaining Duration) ¸ Original or Planned Duration.

    To specify that the activity's percent complete be calculated from the actual and remaining units, select Units. In this case, Activity % Complete = Units % Complete = (Actual Labor Units + Actual Nonlabor Units) ¸ (Actual Labor Units + Actual Nonlabor Units +Remaining Labor Units + Remaining Nonlabor Units).

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