Add comments when running a report

All reports created with the wizard automatically include a row that contains the variable text cell Notes, which corresponds to the Notes field of the Run Report dialog box. When you run a wizard report, the comments you enter in the Notes field are printed in the report and saved. These comments are included each time you run the same report or another report, unless you clear or edit the Notes field.

  1. With the Reports window active, select the report and click on the Reports toolbar.

    You can also right-click on the report and choose Report, Run.
  2. In the Notes field, type your comments.


  1. With the Reports window active, click on the Reports toolbar.

    You can also right-click on the report and choose Modify.
  2. To add a row for comments, click in the area of the Report Canvas where you want the comments to appear, then click . You can type a new height or click the color button to specify a new row color.
  3. To add a text cell to the row, click . In the Cell Type field, select Variable. In the Cell Variable field, select Notes. In the Font Style field, select one of the available default body fonts.

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Last Published Tuesday, December 17, 2019