Data sources in reports

Data sources are categories of information. The data source component in the Report Editor corresponds to the subject area you select when you use the wizard to create a report. Examples of data sources are activities, cost accounts, expense categories, and work breakdown structure (WBS).

In the Report Editor, you can add, modify, and delete report data sources. When you add a data source, you also need to identify the fields within that data source that you want to include in the report. For example, to report labor, and nonlabor expenses for cost accounts, specify cost accounts as the data source and labor expenses and nonlabor expenses as the data fields to include in the report.

You can also embed, or nest, a data source within another data source. By embedding data sources, you can outline relationships between different types of information. For example, if you embed an activity data source within a WBS data source, the report lists activity information according to WBS.

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Last Published Tuesday, December 17, 2019