Define HTML print settings for an image cell

When you print a report to an HTML file and the report includes either background images or image cells, you must specify whether you want to copy the image files to the destination folder of the HTML report or reference the image files. Copying an image file allows you to maintain a consistent HTML folder for the report. If the content of the image files changes frequently, it may be more efficient to reference the files so that they are current when you view the report.

  1. In the Report Editor window, click the image cell whose HTML settings you want to define, then click .
  2. Click the Image tab, then click Select Image.

    To copy the image file, in the Relative Image Path field, type a location and name for the copied image file, relative to the report's HTML folder. If you do not enter a location, the image automatically copies to the file destination you specify when you print the report to an HTML file.

    To reference the image's file, rather than copy the file, mark the Reference Image Instead checkbox. Then, in the Relative Image Path field associated with the checkbox, type the location and name of the image file. Referencing an image's file is helpful when the image's content changes frequently.

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Last Published Tuesday, December 17, 2019