Define layout options for a data source

  1. In the Report Editor window, click the data source, then click .
  2. Click the Source tab. In the Page Break Options field, select where you want to insert page breaks in the compiled report.
  3. To specify the number of hierarchy levels you want to include in the compiled report, in the Max Level field, type a number. To include all hierarchy levels, type 0.
  4. To report information in hierarchy order, mark the Organize Hierarchically checkbox.

    The Max Level field and Organize Hierarchically checkbox are available only if the data source reports hierarchical information.
  5. To exclude the data source's report components from the compiled report, if the data source does not produce any records, mark the Hide If Empty checkbox. If you mark the Hide if Empty checkbox and no records exist for the data source, the data source header and footer are also excluded from the compiled report.
  6. To exclude the records of a parent data source from the compiled report, if its child data sources do not produce any records, mark the Hide Record If No Children checkbox.

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Last Published Tuesday, December 17, 2019