Print a report

Use this task to preview and print reports and to save reports as text or HTML files. You can also use this task to compile and Email a report, and to compile a report and create a WP & Docs record for the report. Creating a WP & Docs record for the report allows that report to be accessed from the WPs & Docs window. When P6 Professional is connected to a P6 EPPM database, reports can also be accessed from the Project Documents portlet and the Projects, Documents page in P6.

When P6 Professional is connected to a P6 Professional database:

  1. From the Reports window, select the report and click on the Reports toolbar, or right-click on the report and choose Run, Report.
  2. Proceed as follows:
    1. To preview the report before printing it, choose Print Preview.
    2. To print the report, choose Directly to Printer.
    3. To generate the report and attach it to an Email, choose Email Attachment. If you select this option, go to substep f.
    4. To save the report as an HTML file, choose HTML File. In the Output file field, click and select a location to save the report file. If you choose Create WP & Docs record, below, select a network location or some other publicly accessible location. To open the report text file in your default HTML viewer when it is finished compiling, mark the View file when done checkbox.
    5. To save the report as a delimited text format (.txt) file, choose ASCII Text File and select a Field Delimiter and Text Qualifier. In the Output File field, click and select a location to save the report file. If you choose Create WP & Docs record, below, select a network location or some other publicly accessible location. To open the report text file in your default TXT viewer when it is finished compiling, mark the View file when done checkbox.
    6. In the Notes field, you can type report comments. The comments you enter are printed and saved in the report. The next time you run a report, you can clear or edit the Notes field. If you choose Email Attachment, the content in this field is copied to the body of the Email.
    7. Click OK. If you chose Email Attachment, clicking OK launches the default Email application and attaches the report to a new Email.

When P6 Professional is connected to a P6 EPPM database:

  1. From the Reports window, select the report and click on the Reports toolbar, or right-click on the report and choose Run, Report.
  2. Proceed as follows:
    1. To preview the report before printing it, choose Print Preview.
    2. To print the report, choose Directly to Printer.
    3. To generate the report and attach it to an Email, choose Email Attachment. If you select this option, go to substep g.
    4. To save the report as an HTML file, choose HTML File. In the Output file field, click and select a location to save the report file. If you choose Create WP & Docs record, below, select a network location or some other publicly accessible location. To open the report text file in your default HTML viewer when it is finished compiling, mark the View file when done checkbox.
    5. To save the report as a delimited text format (.txt) file, choose ASCII Text File and select a Field Delimiter and Text Qualifier. In the Output File field, click and select a location to save the report file. If you choose Create WP & Docs record, below, select a network location or some other publicly accessible location. To open the report text file in your default TXT viewer when it is finished compiling, mark the View file when done checkbox.
    6. To create a WP & Docs record for this report, choose Store report in Work Products and Documents for this project.

      Note: To create a WP& Doc record for a report, only a single project can be open, and you must have the Add/Edit/Delete Project Work Products and Documents privilege for the open project.

    7. In the Notes field, you can type report comments. The comments you enter are printed and saved in the report. The next time you run a report, you can clear or edit the Notes field. If you choose Store report in Work Products and Documents for this project, the content in the Notes field is copied to the Description for the WP & Docs record. If you choose Email Attachment, the content in this field is copied to the body of the Email.
    8. Click OK. If you chose Store report in Work Products and Documents for this project, clicking OK generates the report and creates a WP & Docs record that has the same name as the Output file name. If you chose Email Attachment, clicking OK launches the default Email application and attaches the report to a new Email.


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Last Published Tuesday, December 17, 2019