Depending on your user access permissions, you can use the Security Profiles dialog box to create, edit, and delete security profiles, or user access types.
Global Profiles: Choose to add, edit, or delete security profiles for application-wide features.
Project Profiles: Choose to add, edit, or delete security profiles for project information only.
Display Options bar: Click to search for a specific profile.
Profile Name: Lists security profiles for the current profile type. To change a profile name, double-click the name.
Default: Indicates the default profile for the current profile type. Mark the appropriate Default checkbox to specify a default profile.
Privilege: Lists available privileges for the current profile type.
Has Privilege: Indicates the selected profile's privileges. Mark the appropriate Has Privilege checkbox to grant a privilege to the selected profile.
- To sort the display, click a column heading.
Add: Adds a global or a project profile, depending on the current profile type.
Delete: Deletes the selected profile.