General questions - Future period bucket planning FAQ

What is a bucket?

The term "bucket" refers to the timeperiod (or timescale interval) in which you enter data in a spreadsheet. For example, if the Resource Usage Spreadsheet is configured to display a Week/Day timescale, the daily timescale intervals in which you can enter data are referred to as "daily buckets."

In the Help related to future period bucket planning, buckets are also referred to as timeperiods or timescale intervals, where appropriate.

What is the difference between a future period bucket and a manual future period value?

A "future period bucket" refers to the future timeperiod (or timescale interval) displayed in a spreadsheet. For example, "Enter values in the assignment's future period buckets."

The phrase "manual future period values" refers to the values that exist within future period buckets. For example, "Changing an activity's start or finish dates may change an assignment's manual future period values."

How do I know that an assignment has manual future period values?

When an assignment has manual future period values, the module automatically identifies the future period values as a Manual resource curve. To determine the assignments that have a manual resource curve, display the Curve column in the Resource Assignments window. The Curve column displays a value of 'Manual' for manually-planned resource/role assignments.

Are manual future period values stored in the baseline?

Yes, manual future period values are always stored in the baseline when you save a copy of the current project as a new baseline. When you restore a baseline, manual future period values are also restored. Additionally, baselines that contain assignments with manually-created future period buckets are updated automatically.

Can all users manually enter future period values?

No. You must have the 'Edit Future Periods' project privilege to manually enter or edit data in future period buckets.

Related Topics

Future period bucket planning

Modify a baseline manually

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