Select Identified By dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Use the Select Identified By dialog box to select the resource who identified the risk.

Display Options bar: Lists options for changing resource columns, filters, grouping and sorting, font, and colors.

Resource ID: Lists the ID of each resource in your organization.

Resource Name: Lists the name of each resource in your organization.

Resource Type: Indicates the resource type assigned to a resource.

Unit of Measure: Lists the unit of measure assigned to a material resource.

Primary Role: Indicates the primary role assigned to a resource.

Default Units/Time: Lists the default units/time for each resource in your organization.

Select: Applies your selection and closes this dialog box.

Clear: Removes the selected resource from the current risk.


If resource security is enabled, you can only select resources from under the resource root node you have access to or from current project resources.

Related Topics

Introduction to Resource Security

Root Node

Current Project Resources

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