Activity Codes dialog box

Use the Activity Codes dialog box to create, edit, and delete global, project, and EPS activity codes and values. Use these codes and values to sort, filter, group, and report activity information. When P6 Professional is connected to a P6 Professional database, you can also use this dialog box to assign colors, applicable only in the context of Visualizer drawings, to activity code values.

Global: Choose to display activity codes and values for all projects in the enterprise. You can edit these codes.

EPS: Choose to display activity codes and values for levels of the EPS. You can edit these codes.

Project: Choose to display activity codes and values for the open project(s) only. You can edit these codes.

Select Activity Code: The name of the current activity code. You can select a code.

Modify: Allows you to create, modify, or delete a global, EPS, or project activity code, depending on your current selection.

Display Options bar: Click to search for a specific activity code value and change the display.

Code Value: Lists activity code values for the current activity code. To change a value, double-click it. To sort the display, click the Code Value column label.

Description: Lists each activity code value's description. To change a description, double-click it. To sort the display, click the Description column label.

Color: Lists each activity code value's color, which can be applied to color a bar from within a Visualizer diagram. To change a color, double-click in the color cell of the applicable code value.

Add: Adds a value to the current activity code.

Delete: Deletes the selected value from the current activity code.

Cut: Cuts the selected code value so you can delete it or move it to another position in the list. Select a new position, then click Paste.

Copy: Copies the selected code value so you can quickly create a similar value in another position in the list. Select a new position, then click Paste.

Paste: Pastes a code value you have copied or cut.

Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow keys: Moves the selected value to a different position in the display. This changes the order in which the values display when you assign a value to an activity.


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EPS (Enterprise Project Structure)

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