Budget Log tab - WBS Details

Original Budget: Enter an estimate of the total amount you require for this project in the Original Budget field, including all funding contributions.

Current Budget: Shows the sum of the original budget plus approved budgets. (calculated field)

Proposed Budget: Shows the sum of the original budget plus approved and pending budgets. (calculated field)

Budget Change Log: Enables you to track changes to the original budget.

Date: Shows the date the budget change request was made.

Amount: Record the amount of money required by this change request.

Responsible: Enter the name of the person responsible for the change.

Status: Shows the current status of the change: pending, approved, or not approved. The status for each budget change affects the totals shown in the Current Budget and Proposed Budget fields.

Reason: Enter a reason for the budget change request (optional).

Change Number: Number associated with the change request. Useful for reporting or tracking changes to the original budget.

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